[he Y(( MMl ONFESSIONAL . N t ROMANISM UNMASKED! The plates of this great book have been twice mysteriously burned. Endorsed by the leading Reviews, Magazines, and the Protestant Press oj the -world. Its Revelations are terrible Indictments of Popery. THE GREAT BOOK OF THE CENTURY! Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, By FATHER CHINIQUY. INTRIGUES, IMPOSTURES, AND CRIMINAL INTRIGUES OF PRIESTS. ROME AND THE ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN. TRULY VIVID, FASCINATING, AND TRAGIC. NO HISTORY LIKE IT SINCE LUTHER. CANNOT BE REFUTED. There is no book upon the Romish controversy so com- prehensive as this. It is a complete picture of the inner working's, aims and objects of Popery. It is from the ex- perience of a living witness, and challenges contradiction. It is a large but very valuable work, and is fast becoming a standard authority. No lover of his country should re- in;! in ignorant of its contents. A handsome volume of 832 pages, printed on clear type on fine tinted paper. It is bound in strong cloth, marbled edges, and gilt stamp on side and back. Contains two portraits (one representing him in priestly robes) of the venerable Author. Sent to any address on receipt of price, $2.25. ADAM CRAIG. Publisher, 77 to 79 Jackson St., Chicago. Bristling with Facts. A Timely and Important Work. Cloth i6mo, heavy paper, 126 pages, with por- trait of the author, 75 cents ; Paper cover, 40 cents. Sent to any address on receipt of price. ROMANISM, THE DANGER AHEAD By A. J. GROVER. The writer has given to the people of America statements of facts and figures which they will do well to reflect upon. " Romanism has votes to be cast as a unit. These votes are necessary in national elections, and in most local elections, to party success; whichever party will promise to do most for Romanism, will get them. Here lies the danger. As in the days when slavery ruled, everybody interested in the success of a party caters to Romanism. The national policy as to slavery almost cost the life of the republic. There is ten times as much danger to our free institutions from Romanism now, that there was from slavery in 1851." ADAM CRAIG, Publisher, 77 to 79 Jackson St., Chicago. f he Priest, "fHE ^oman AND The Qonfessional BY FATHER CHINIQUY. AUTHOR OF "FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME," ETC. THIRTY-FIRST EDITION. CHICAGO: ADAM CRAIG, 77~79 JACKSON STREET. 1887. Copyright, 1880, by Rev. Charles Chiniou^. cepBps. Page. Biographical 5 Declaration . 16 Preface . 19 -CHAPTER I. The Struggle before the Surrender of Womanly Self- respect in the Confessional ...... 21 CHAPTER II. Auricular Confession a deep Pit of Perdition for the Priest -... 59 CHAPTER III. The Confessional is the Modem Sodom ... 77 CHAPTER IV. How the Vow of Celibacy of the Priests is made easy by Auricular Confession 87 CHAPTER V. The highly-educated and refined Woman in the Confes- sional — What becomes of her after unconditional surrender — Her irreparable Ruin .... 98 4: CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Auricular Confession destroys all the Sacred Ties of Mar- riage and Human Society 117 CHAPTER VII. Should Auricular Confession be tolerated among Civilized Nations? . . 160 CHAPTER VIII. Does Auricular Confession bring Peace to the Soul? . 17? CHAPTER IX. The Dogma of Auricular Confession a Sacrilegious Im- posture , 209 CHAPTER X. God compels the" Church of Rome to confess the Abomi- nations of Auricular Confession .... 242 CHAPTER XI. Auricular Confession in Australia, America, and France 260 CHAPTER XII. A Chapter for the Consideration of Legislators, Hus- bands, and Fathers — Some of the matters on which the Priest of Rome must question his Penitents . 290 BIOGRAPHICAL wpe 13 cpppy? important ewN£i* DecajaEjwjs ESTABLISHING THE HIGH CHARACTER AND STANDING OF PASTOR CHINIQUY WHEN IN THE CHURCH OP ROME. ME. Chiniquy is one of the most conspicuous champions of Protestantism of the present day. He was invited to Scotland by her leading ecclesiastics to take part in the Tercentenary of the Reformation, and to England in later years, when all her leading Protestants stood forth to honor the Emperor William of Germany and Prince Bismarck for their noble resistance to Papal pre- tensions to authority in Germany. He then, in 1874, addressed the great gathering in Exeter Hallr over which Lord Russell presided ; and afterwards, ibr six months, lectured throughout England on 6 BIOGRAPHICAL. the invitation of Ministers of every Evangelical Denomination. Of such a man with such a history of struggles,, services and success, the Protestants all over the world need not be ashamed. During the last two years he has lectured and, preached to crowded houses in Australia, receiving from the clergy and people of that country many testimonials of their esteem and regard for his valuable services in the cause of Protestantism. It is well known that Father Chiniquy rose into general notoriety in Canada as an Apostle of Tem- perance. But long before this — when a parish priest, and even when a student— he was held in high repute. The sketch of his early life is as fol- lows : Born at Kamouraska, Canada, July 30, 1809. His father's name, Charles Chiniquy, his mother's, Peine Perrault, both natives of Quebec. His father died in 1821 ; his mother in 1830. After his father's death, a rich uncle, by name Amable Dionne, a member of the upper House of Parlia- ment in Canada, who had married his mother's sister, took him in charge, and sent him to the College of St. Nicholet, With which he was con- nected from 1822 to 1833, attaining high honors as a linguist and mathematician. His moral conduct got him the name among his fellow-students of* BIOGRAPHICAL. T , St. Louis Gonzaque de Nicholet. He was ordained; a priest in 1833, in the Cathedral of Quebec, hj Bishop Sinaie, and began his ministry at St.: Charles, on the river Berger, Canada. After this he was Chaplain to the Marine Hospital, and there studied under Dr. Douglas the effects of alcohol on the human system. He became convinced that it was poisonous, and its general use criminal. He wrote to Father Matthew, of Ireland, and soor after started the Temperance Crusade among the Roman Catholics of Canada. He began at Beau- port, where he was parish priest. There were them seven taverns or hotels, but no school. In two- years he had seven schools, and not a single tavern: in the parish. A Temperance Column was erected in that town to commemorate his achievements in this good work. He was soon transferred to the larger parish of Kamouraska ; but he shortly gave up his parish duties and transferred his headquar- ters to Montreal, to devote his whole time to the cause of temperance, — from 1846 to 1851. As the result, all the distilleries were closed except two in the whole Province. These noble efforts were publicly acknowledged. We refer to four distinct acts of recognition among many. The first is the Address of the Indepen- dent Order of Rechabites of Canada, and dated 8 BIOGRAPHICAL. Montreal, 31st August, 1848, with Mr. Chiniquy 's reply. It is creditable to the Protestants of Lower Canada that they so honored a priest of the Church of Rome when doing a noble work for the general good of the country. Both documents are worthy of the cause. Instead of taking glory to himself for this success, Mr. Chiniquy uses these words in the course of his reply: u Persuaded that this success is solely the work of God — to Him be all the glory ! ' ' The great city of Montreal was moved to gratitude, and a Gold Medal was pre- sented to him in the name of the city, with these words on one side — To Father Chiniquy, Apostle of Temperance, Canada. And on the other — Honor to his Virtues, Zeal and Patriotism. The Canadian Parliament moved also in his lionor, and voted to him an Address and Five Hundred Pounds as a public token of the gratitude of a whole people. The fame of his labors in the cause of Temper- ance reached the Pope, and through an aspiring priest who visited Pome about that period, the Pope's Blessing was sent to Mr. Chiniquy, as tes- BIOGRAPHICAL. \) tified by the following letter. The translations are verbatim, no freedom being taken to render them into more idiomatic English : — [translation] "Home, 10th August, 1850. " Sir, and very Dear Friend : "It is only Monday, the 12th, that it has been given me to have a private audience with the Sov- ereign Pontiff. I have taken the opportunity to present to him your book, with your letter, which he has received — I do not say with that goodness which is so eminently characteristic — but with all special marks of satisfaction and of approbation, while charging me to state to you that He accords his Apostolic Benediction to you and to the holy work of Temperance which you preach. "I esteem myself happy to have had to offer on your behalf to the Vicar of Jesus Christ, a book which, after it had done so much good to my coun- trymen, has been able to draw from his venerable mouth such solemn words of approbation of the Temperance Society, and of blessing on those who are its apostles ; and it is also for my heart a very sweet pleasure to transmit them to you. " Your friend, " Charles T. Baillargeon, "Priest." Following this we give the general circular fur- nished to him by the Bishop of Montreal, in which he is designated Apostle of Temperance. [translation.] Ignatius Bourget. " By the divine mercy and grace of the Holy Apostolic See, Bishop of Marianopolis (Montreal). 10 BIOGRAPHICAL. " To all who would inspect the present Letter we make known and testify : — That the venerable Charles Chiniquy, Apostle of Temperance, Priest of our Diocese, is very well known to us, and re- gard him as proved to lead a praiseworthy life and one agreeable to his ecclesiastical profession — through the tender mercies of our God under no ecclesiastical censures, at least which have come to our knowledge, by which he might be restricted. We entreat each and all Archbishops, Bishops and other dignitaries of the Church, to whom it may happen that he may go, that they for the love of Christ entertain him kindly and courteously, and as often as they may be asked by him, permit him to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and exercise other ecclesiastical privileges and works of piety. We showing ourselves ready for similar and greater things. In confidence of which we have ordered the present general Letter to be pre- pared under our sign and seal, and with the sub- scription of the secretary of our Episcopate at Marianople, in our Palace of the Blessed James, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty, on the sixth day of the month of June. "f Ignatius, ' ' Bishop of Marianopolis. " By order of the most illustrious and most rev- erend Bishop of Marianopolis, D. D. "J. O. Pare, Canon, " Secretary '." His high position was now universally acknowl- edged, and he was chosen by the dignitaries of the Church of Rome to lead a new and important movement. It was to take possession of the Val- ley of the Mississippi, and form a new Roman. BIOGRAPHICAL. 11 Catholic colony in the very centre of the Unitec* States. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Chicago^ Bishop Vandevelt, came to Canada to confer with him on the subject. The proposal was to transfer thousands of French Canadians, zealous Roman Catholics, to this new territory, and Father Chini- quy was to conduct the enterprise and be the new champion of Rome. He accepted the offer. He went and surveyed the land, selected the territory,, and returning to Canada took over to the new colony a first batch of five thousand emigrants, all zealous for the Church in this new movement. Before finally taking up his quarters in St. Anne, Kankakee, State of Illinois, the seat of the chosen colony, he requested his official dismission from the diocese of Montreal, with which he had been con- nected for the five previous years. We give the answer in full, to show his standing when he left Canada for his new field. [translation.] ''Montreal, 13th October, 1851. " Sir: — You ask me the permission to leave the diocese to go to offer your services to the Mo n seig- neur of Chicago. As you belong to the diocese of Quebec, I believe that it appertains to Monseig- neur, the Archbishop, to give you the exeat which you ask. For me, 1 cannot but thank you for your labors among us; and I wish you in return the most abundant blessings of Heaven. You shall 12 BIOGRAPHICAL. ever be in my remembrance and in my heart ; and I hope the Divine Providence will permit me at a future time to testify to you all the gratitude that I feel within me. Meanwhile, u I remain, dear sir, u Your very humble and obedient servant, " f Ignatius, ' ' Bishop of Montreal. "Mr. Chiniquy, Priest." Thus he left Canada in the highest repute with the hierarchy of Pome. But a few years passed when the colony had expanded to the occupation of forty square miles, and thousands were still pouring in, not only from Canada, but from the Poman Catholic population of Europe. But in an ■evil day for Pome, Bishop Yandevelt was removed, and an Irish Bishop, O'Keagan, took his place, and at once began to obstruct and oppress the French settlers. Here we state to Americans what is well known in Canada, that the French and Irish Poman Catholics seldom agree — there are violent feuds between them. The violence, oppres- sion and injustice of the Irish Bishop O'Peagan drove Father Chiniquy into resistance and to ap- peals to the outside Poman Catholic world for redress and deliverance from oppression. It came even to the Pope, and he sent Cardinal Bedeni to Ohicago to investigate the dispute. He declared O'Peagan to be in the wrong, and he was removed. BIOGRAPHICAL. IS and Bishop Smith, of Iowa, took O'Reagan's place. While this storm was raging, God was opening the eyes of Father Chiniquy more and more to the real apostacy of the modern Papal Church from the old original Christian Church of Rome. The hour of his deliverance was approaching, and God had chosen the field for the first fierce en- counter under the liberty of the Stars and Stripes of the Republic of America. Anywhere else he would most likely be crushed to earth, but here he found freedom, and a noble-hearted advocate, when fiercely prosecuted, in the person of "honest" Abraham Lincoln, afterwards America's greatest President since the days of Washington. To show that up to the time of his severance from Rome he bore the highest character, the fol- lowing letter, from Bishop Baillargeon, of so late a date as 9th May, 1856, five years after he left Canada, amply proves. [translation.] "Archbishopric of Quebec, 9th May, 1856. " Miss : — I send you, for Mr. Chiniquy, an or- nament [chasuble], with the necessary linen from which to make a cassock ; and a chalice ; the whole indifferently packed, as, I suppose, you will find a place for all in your trunk. And I pray God to bless you, and conduct you happily in your journey. " Your devoted servant, C. J., Bishop of Tloa." " To Miss Caroline Descormers, 4 ' Of the Convent of the Ursulines of Three Rivers. ' ? 14 ^rOORAPHl'CAL. The Bishop senits by a nun of the Ursuline Con- vent of Three Rivers a present to Mr. Chiniquy, consisting of a chasuble, or the embroidered gar- ment with a cross on the back, and a pillar in front, worn by priests ; materials to make a cassock, and a chalice to perform Mass, as proofs of his highest confidence and esteem. Well would it be for the honor of the Church of Rome if she had many priests like him in the ranks of her clergy. We now give the declaration of Bishop O'Rea- gan respecting Mr. Chiniquy' s character, as sworn to by the four Roman Catholics whose names are appended. This written reply was given by Bishop O' Reagan on the 27th August, 1856, to the depu- tation who waited on him. This has been pub- lished all over Canada, in French and English, in reply to certain accusations of Vicar-General Bru- yere : — " 1st. I suspended Mr. Chiniquy on the 19th of this month. " 2nd. If Mr. Chiniquy has said Mass since, as you say, he is irregular ; and the Pope alone can restore him in his ecclesiastic and sacerdotal func- tions. u 3rd. I take him away from St. Anne, despite his prayers and yours, because he he has not been willing to live in peace and in friendship with the Reverends M. L. and M. L., although I admit they were two bad Priests, whom I have been forced to expel from my diocese. BIOGRAPHICAL. 15 " 4th. My second reason for taking Mr. Chini- quy away from St. Anne, to send him in his new- mission, south of Illinois, is to stop the lawsuit Mr. Spink has instituted against him ; though I cannot warrant that the law suit will be stopped for that. " 5th. Mr. Chiniquy is one of the best Priests of my diocese, and I do not want to deprive my- self of his services ; and no accusations against the morals of that gentlemen have bee.n proved before me. " 6th. Mr. Chiniquy has demanded an inquest, to prove his innocence of certain accusations made against him, and has asked me the names of his accusers to confound them ; and I have refused it to him. "7th. Tell Mr. Chiniquy to come and meet me — to prepare himself for his new mission, and I will give him the letters he needs, to go and labor there. " Then we withdrew and presented the foregoing letter to Father Chiniquy. Frs. Bechard, "J. B. L. LemoinEj. " Basilique Allair, " Leon Mailloux." Nothing more can be wanted to establish the moral reputation of Mr. Chiniquy, so long as he remained in the Church of Rome. TO HIS LORDSHIP BOURGET, BISHOP OP MONTREAL. " Sir,— " Since God lias, in His infinite mercy, been pleased to show us the errors of Rome, and has given us strength to abandon them to follow Christ, we deem it our duty to say a word on the abomina- tions of the confessional. You well know that these abominations are of such a nature that it is impossible for a woman to speak of them without a blush. How is it that among civilized, Christian men, one has so far forgotten the rule of common decency, as to force women to reveal to unmarried men, under the pains of eternal damnation, their most secret thoughts, their most sinful desires, and their most private actions ? " How, unless there be a brazen mask on your priest's face, dare they go out into the world hav- ing heard the tales of misery which cannot but BIOGRAPHICAL. 17 defile the hearer, and which the woman cannot re- late without having laid aside modesty, and all sense of shame ? The harm would not be so great should the Church allow no one but the woman to accuse herself. But what shall we say of the abominable questions that are put to them and which they must answer ? " Here, the laws of common decency strictly for- bid us to enter into details. Suffice it to say, were husbands cognizant of one-tenth of what is going on between the confessor and their wives, they would rather see them dead than degraded to such a degree. ' ' As for us, daughters and wives of Montreal who have known by experience the filth of the confessional, we cannot sufficiently bless God for having shown us the error of our ways in teaching us that it is not at the feet of a man as weak and as sinful as ourselves, but at the feet of Christ alone, that we must seek salvation." Julien Herbert, Marie Rogers, J. Kochon. Louise Picard, Francoise Diringer, Eugenie Martin, And forty-three others. P^EF^CE. EZEKIEL. Chapter VIII. 1. And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me. 2. Then I beheld, and lo, a likeness as the appearance of fire ; from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire ; and from his loins even upward, as the appearance of bright- ness, as the color of amber. 3. And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head ; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, wh^h provoketh to jealousy. 4. And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision that I saw in the plain. 5. II Then said he unto me, Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the north; and behold, northward, at the gate of the altar, this imago of jealousy in the entry. 6. He said furthermore unto me; Son of man, seest thou what they do? — even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanc- tuary? but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations. 7. IF And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold, a hole in the wall. 8. Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold, a door. 9. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. 20 PREFACE. 10. So I went in and saw; and, behold, every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed upon the wall round about. 11. And there stood before them seventy men of the an- cients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up. 12. Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The Lord seeth, us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth. 13. ^T He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. 14. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. 15. If Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, 0 Son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abomina- tions than these. 16. And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs towards the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. 17. U Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, 0 Son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah, that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger; and, lo, they put the branch to their nose. 18. Therefore will I also deal in fury : mine eye shall not spHre, neither will I have pity; and though they cry in min« ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them. ®5? JPripsf, iQp Woman, anb tijp CjonfpssionaL CHAPTER I. THE STRUGGLE BEFORE THE SURRENDER OF WOMANLY SELF-RESPECT IN THE CONFESSIONAL. THERE are two women who ought to be con- stant objects of the compassion of the disci- ples of Christ, and for whom daily prayers ought to be offered at the mercy-seat— the Brahmin wom- an, who, deceived by her priests, burns herself on the corpse of her husband to appease the wrath of her wooden gods ; and the Roman Catholic woman, who, not less deceived by her priests,_snflers a torture far more cruel and ignominious in the con- fessional-box, to appease the wrath of her wafer- P' od. For I do not exaggerate when I say, that for many noble-hearted, well-educated, high-minded 22 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. women, to be forced to unveil their hearts before- the eyes of a man, to open to him all the most se- cret recesses of their souls, all the most sacred mysteries of their single or married life, to allow 'him to put to them questions which the most de- praved woman would never consent to hear from her vilest seducer, is often more horrible and intol- erable than to be tied on burning coals. More than once, I have seen women fainting in the confessional-box, who told me afterwards, that the necessity of speaking to an unmarried man on certain things, on which the most common laws of decency ought to have for ever sealed their lips,, had almost killed them ! Not hundreds, but thousands of times, I have heard from the lips of dying girls, as well as of married women, the awful words; "I am forever lost! All my past confessions and communions have been so many sacrileges ! I have never dared to answer correctly the questions of my confessors ! Shame has sealed my lips and damned my soul l" How many times I remained as one petrified, by the side of a corpse, when these last words having hardly escaped the lips of one of my female peni- tents, who had been snatched out of my reach by the merciless hand of death, before I could give her pardon through the deceitful sacramental abso- THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 9? lution ? I then believed, as the dead sinner herself had believed, that she^ould not be forgiven except by that absolution. For there are not only thousands but millions of Roman Catholic girls and women whose keen sense of modesty and womanly dignity are above all the sophisms and diabolical machinations of their priests. They never can be persuaded to answer "Yes" to certain questions of their confessors. They would prefer to be thrown into the flames, and burnt to ashes with the Brahmin widows, rather than allow the eyes of a man to pry into the sacred sanctuary of their souls. Though some- times guilty before God, and under the impression that their sins will never be forgiven if not con- fessed, the laws of decency are stronger in their hearts than the laws of their cruel and perfidious Church. No consideration, not even the fear of eternal damnation, can persuade them to declare to/ a sinful man, sins which God alone has the right to know, for He alone can blot them out with the blood of His Son, shed on the cross. But what a wretched life must that be of those exceptional noble souls, which Rome keeps in the dark dungeons of her superstition ? They read in all their books, and hear from all their pulpits, that if they conceal a single sin from their confessors, 24 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. they are forever lost ! But, being absolutely un- able to trample under their feet the laws of self- respect and decency, which God Himself has im- pressed in their souls, they live in constant dread of eternal damnation. No human words can tell their desolation and distress, when at the feet of their confessors, they find themselves under the horrible necessity of speaking of things, on which they would prefer to suffer the most cruel death rather than to open their lips, or to be forever damned if they do not degrade themselves forever in their own eyes, by speaking on matters which a /^respectable woman will never reveal to her own ^mother, much less to a man ! I have known only too many of these noble- hearted women, who, when alone with God, in a real agony of desolation and with burning tears, had asked Him to grant them what they considered the greatest favor, which was, to lose so much of their self-respect as to be enabled to speak of those unmentionable things, just as their confessors wanted them to speak ; and, hoping that their pe- tition had been granted, they went again to the confessional-box, determined to unveil their shame before the eyes of that inexorable man. But when the moment had come for the self-immolation, their courage failed, their knees trembled, their lips be- THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 25 came pale as death, cold sweat poured from all their pores! The voice of modesty and womanly self-respect was speaking louder than the voice of their false religion. They had to go out of the confessional-box unpardoned — nay, with the burden of a new sacrilege on their conscience. Oh ! how heavy is the yoke of Rome — how bit- ter is human life — how cheerless is the mystery of the cross to those deluded and perishing souls ! How gladly they would rush into the blazing piles with the Brahmin women, if they could hope to see the end of their unspeakable miseries through the momentary tortures which would open to them the gates of a better life ! I do here publicly challenge the whole Roman Catholic priesthood to deny that the greater part of their female penitents remain a certain period of time — some longer, some shorter — under that most distressing state of mind. Yes, by far the greater majority of women, at first, find it impossible to pull down the sacred barriers of self-respect which God Himself has built around their hearts, intelligences, and souls, as the best safeguard against the snares of this polluted world. Those laws of self-respect, by which they cannot consent to speak an impure word into the ears of a man, and which shut all the avenues of 26 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. the heart against his unchaste questions, even when speaking in the name of God — those laws of self- respect are so clearly written in their conscience, and they are so well understood by them, to be a most Divine gift, that, as I have already said, many prefer to run the risk of being forever lost by remaining silent. It takes many years of the most ingenious (I do not hesitate to call it diabolical) efforts on the part of the priests to persuade the majority of their female petitents to speak on questions, which even pagan savages would blush to mention among themselves. Some persist in remaining silent on those matters during the greater part of their lives, and many prefer to throw themselves into the hands of their merciful God, and die without sub- mitting to the defiling ordeal, even after they have felt the poisonous stings of the enemy, rather than receive their pardon from a man, who, as they feel, would have surely been scandalized by the recital of their human frailties. All the priests of Rome are aware of this natural disposition of their female penitents. There is not a single one — no, not a single one of their moral theologians, who does not warn the confessors against that stern and general determination of the girls and marred women never to speak in the confessional on matters which may, THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. Zi more or less, deal with sins against the seventh commandment. Dens, Liguori, Debreyne, Bailly, y the questions of the confessors is an unavoid- able evil. It cannot be helped ; for such questions are absolutely necessary in the greater part of the cases with which we have to deal. Men generally confess their sins with so much sincerity that there Is -seldom any need for questioning them, except ■when they are very ignorant. But St. Liguori, as well -as our personal observation, tells us that the greatest part of girls and women, through a false -and criminal shame, very seldom confess the sins Shey commit against purity. It requires the utmost charity in the confessors to prevent those unfortu- nate slaves of their secret passions from making sacrilegious confessions and communions. With the greatest prudence and zeal he must question ihem on those matters, beginning with the smallest •■sins, and going, little by little, as much as possible hj imperceptible degrees, to the most criminal actions. As it seems evident that the penitent re- ferred to in your questions of yesterday, is unwill- ing to make a full and detailed confession of all her iniquities, you cannot promise to absolve her with- out assuring yourself by wise and prudent ques- tions, that she has confessed everything. ** You must not be discouraged, when, through tfee confessional or any other way, you learn the -iHE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 41 fall of priests into the common frailties of human nature with their penitents. Our Saviour knew very well that the occasions and the temptations wTe have to encounter, in the confessions of girls and women, are so numerous, and sometimes so irresistible, that many would fall. But He has given them the Holy Virgin Mary, who constantly asks and obtains their pardon ; He has given them the sacrament of penance, where they can receive their pardon as often as they ask for it. The vow of perfect chastity is a great honor and privilege ; but we cannot conceal from ourselves that it puts on our shoulders a burden which many cannot carry forever. St. Liguori says that we must not rebuke the penitent priest who falls only once a month ; and some other trustworthy theologians are still more charitable/' This answer was far from satisfying me. It seemed to me composed of soft soap principles. I went back with a heavy heart and an anxious mind ; and God knows that I made many fervent prayers that this girl should never come again to give me her sad history. I was hardly twenty-six years old, full of youth and life. It seemed to me that the stings of a thousand wasps to my ears would not do me so much harm as the words of that dear, beautiful, accomplished, but lost girl. 42 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. I do not mean to say that the revelations which she made, had, in any way, diminished my es- teem and my respect for her. It was just the con- trary. Her tears and her sobs, at my feet ; her agonizing expressions of shame and regret ; her noble words of protest against the disgusting and polluting interrogations of the confessors, had raised her very high in my mind. My sincere hope was that she would have a place in the kingdom of Christ with the Samaritan women, Mary Magda- lene, and all the sinners who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. At the appointed day, I was in my confessional, listening to the confession of a young man, when I saw Miss Mary entering the vestry, and coming directly to my confessional-box, where she knelt by me. Though she had, still more than at the first time, disguised herself behind a long, thick, black veil, I could not be mistaken ; she was the very same amiable young lady in whose father's house I used to pass such pleasant and happy hours. I had often listened, with breathless attention, to her melodious voice, when she was giving us, accom- panied by her piano, some of our beautiful Church hymns. Who could then see and hear her without almost worshipping her ? The dignity of her steps, and her whole mien, when she advanced towards THE PKIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 43- *ny confessional, entirely betrayed her and de- stroyed her incognito. Oh ! I would have given every drop of my blood in that solemn hour, that I might have been free to deal with her just as she had so eloquently re- quested me to do — to let her weep and cry at the feet of Jesus to her heart's content ; Oh ! if I had been free to take her by the hand, and silently show her the dying Saviour, that she might have bathed His feet with her tears, and spread the oil of her love on His head, without my saying any- thing else but "Go in peace : thy sins are for- given." But, there, in that confessional-box, I was not the servant of Christ, to follow His divine, saving words, and obey the dictates of my honest con- science. I was the slave of the Pope ! I had ta stifle the cry of my conscience, to ignore the in- spirations of my God! There, my conscience had no right to speak ; my intelligence was a dead thing! The theologians of the Pope, alone, had a right to be heard and obeyed ! I was not there to save, but to destroy ; for, under the pretext of puri- fying, the real mission of the confessor, often, if not always, in spite of himself, is to scandalise and damn the souls. As soon as the young man who was making his. 44 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. confession at my left hand, had finished, I, without noise, turned myself towards her, and said, through the little aperture, "Are you ready to begin your confession? " But she did not answer me. All that I could hear was: " Oh, my Jesus, have mercy upon me ! I come to wash my soul in Thy blood ; wilt thou rebuke me ?" During several minutes she raised her hands and her eyes to heaven, and wept and prayed. It was evident that she had not the least idea that I was observing her ; she thought the door of the little partition between her and me was shut. But my eyes were fixed upon her ; my tears were flowing with her tears, and my ardent prayers were going to the feet of Jesus with her prayers. I would not have interrupted her for any consideration, in this, her sublime communion with her merciful Saviour. But after a pretty long time, I made a little noise with my hand, and putting my lips near the open- ing of the partition which was between us, I said in a low voice, " Dear sister, are you ready to be- gin your confession ? " She turned her face a little towards me, and said with trembling voice, ' l Yes, dear father, I am ready. ' ' But she then stopped again to weep and pray, though I could not hear what she said. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 45- After some time of silent prayer, I said, " My dear sister, if you are ready, please begin your confession." She then said, "My dear father, do you remember the prayers which I made to you, the other day ? Can you allow me to confess my sins without forcing me to forget the respect that I owe to myself, to you, and to God, who hears us % And can you promise that you will not put to me any of those questions which have already done me such irreparable injury ? I frankly declare to you tli at there are sins in me that I cannot reveal to anyone, except to Christ, because He is my God, and that He already knows them all. Let me weep and cry at His feet : can you not forgive me with- out adding to my iniquities by forcing me to say things that the tongue of a Christian woman cannot reveal to a man? " "My dear sister," I answered, "were I free to follow the voice of my own feelings I would be only too happy to grant your request ; but I am here only as the minister of our holy Church, and bound to obey her laws. Through her most holy Popes and theologians she tells me that I cannot forgive your sins, if you do not confess them all, just as you have committed them. The Church tells me also that you must give the details which may add to the malice or change the nature of your sins. I 46 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. am also sorry to tell you that our most holy theo- logians make it a duty of the confessor to question the penitent on the sins which he has good reason to suspect have been voluntarily or involuntarily omitted." With a piercing cry, she exclaimed, "Then, 0 my God, I am lost — forever lost!" This cry fell upon me like a thunderbolt ; but I was still more terror-stricken when, looking through the aperture, I saw she was fainting ; I heard the noise of her body falling upon the floor, and of her head striking against the sides of the confessional- box. Quick as lightning I ran to help her, took her in my arms, and called a couple of men who were at a little distance, to assist me in laying her on a bench. I washed her face with some cold water and vinegar. She was as pale as death, but her lips were moving, and she was saying something which nobody but I could understand — "I am lost — lost forever !" We took her home to her disconsolate family, where, during a month, she lingered between life and death. Her two first confessors came to visit her ; but having asked every one to go out of the room, she politely, but absolutely, requested them to go away, and never come again. She asked me THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 47 to visit her every day, "for," she said, "I have only a few more days to live. Help me to prepare myself for the solemn hour which will open to me the gates of eternity ! ' ' Every day I visited her, and I prayed and I wept with her. Many times, when alone, with tears I requested her to finish her confession ; but, with a firmness which, then, seemed to be mysterious and inexpli- cable, she politely rebuked me. One day, when alone with her, I was kneeling by the side of her bed to pray, I was unable to articulate a single word, because of the inexpress- ible anguish of my soul on her account, she asked me, " Dear father, why do you weep ?" I answered, u How can you put such a question to your murderer ! I weep because I have killed you, dear friend." This answer seemed to trouble her exceedingly. She was very weak that day. After she had wept and prayed in silence, she said, udo not weep for me, but weep for so many priests who destroy their penitents in the confessionaTT T~ believe in the holiness of the sacrament of penance, since our holy Church has established it. But there is, some- where, something exceedingly wrong in the con- fessional. Twice I have been destroyed, and I 48 THE PRIEST. WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. know many girls who have also been destroyed by the confessional. This is a secret, but will that secret be kept forever ? I pity the poor priests the day that our fathers will know what becomes of the purity of their daughters in the hands of their con fessors. Father would surely kill my two last con- fessors, if he could know how they hav-e destroyed his poor child." I could not answer except by weeping. We remained silent for a long time ; then she said, "It is true that I was not prepared for the rebuke you have given me, the other day, in the confessional; but you acted conscientiously as a good' and honest priest. I know you must be bound by certain laws." She then pressed my hand with her cold hand and said, "Weep not, dear father, because that sudden storm has wrecked my too fragile bark. This storm was to take me out from the bottomless sea of my iniquities to the shore where Jesus was waiting to receive and pardon me. The night after you brought me, half dead, here, to father's house, I had a dream. Oh, no ! it was not a dream, it was a reality. My Jesus came to me ; He was bleeding ; His crown of thorns was on His head, the heavy cross was bruising his -shoulders. He said to me, with a voice so sweet that no human THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 49 tongue can imitate it, " I have seen thy tears, I have heard thy cries, and I know thy love for Me: thy sins are forgiven; take courage; in a few days thou shalt be with me ! " She had hardly finished her last word, when she fainted; and I feared lest she should die just then, when I was alone with her. I called the family, who rushed into the room. The doctor was sent for. He found her so weak that he thought proper to allow only one or two persons to remain in the room with me. He re- quested \is not to speak at all: "For," said he, "the least emotion may kill her instantly; her disease is, in all probability, an aneurism of the aorta, the bio- vein which brings the blood to the heart: when it breaks, slit? will go as quick as lightning/* It was nearly ten at \iight when I left the house to go and take some rest. But it is not necessary to say that I passed a sleepless night. My dear Mary was there, pale, dying from the deadly blow which I had given her in the confessional. She was there, on her bed of death, her heart pierced with the dagger which my Church had put into my hand ! and instead of rebuking, and cursing me for my savage, merciless fanaticism, she was blessing me! She was dying from a broken heart, and I was not allowed by my Church to give her a sin.- 50 THE PlilEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. gle word of consolation and hope, for she had not made her confession ! I had mercilessly bruised that tender plant, and there was nothing in my hands to heal the wounds I had made! It was very probable that she would die the next day, and I was forbidden to show her the crown of glory which Jesus has prepared in His kingdom for the repenting sinner! My desolation was really unspeakable, and I think I would have been suffocated and have died that night, if the stream of tears which ct instantly flowed from my eyes had not been as a balm to my distressed heart. How dark and long the hours of that night seemed to me ! Before the dawn of day, I arose to read my theo- logians again, and see if I could not find some one who would allow me to forgive the sins of that dear child, without forcing her to tell me everything she had done. But they seemed to me, more than ever, unanimously inexorable, and I put them back on the shelves of my library with a broken heart. At nine A. M. the next day, I was by the bed of our dear sick Mary. I cannot sufficiently tell the joy I felt when the doctor and the whole family said to me, " She is much better;" the rest of last night has .wrought a marvellous change indeed.** THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL- 51 With a really angelic smile she extended her hand towards me, that I might press it in mine; and she said, " I thought, last evening, that the dear Saviour would take me to Him, but He wants me, dear father, to give you a little more trouble; however, be patient, it cannot be long before the solemn hour of the appeal will ring. Will you please read me the history of the suffering and death of the beloved Saviour, which you read me the other day? It does me so much good to see how He has loved me, such a miserable sin- ner." There was a calm and a solemnity in her words which struck me singularly, as well as all those who were there. After I had finished reading, she exclaimed, * He has loved me so much that He died for my sins!" And she shut her eyes as if to meditate in silence, but there was a stream of big tears rolling down her cheeks. I knelt down by her bed, with her family, to pray; but I could not utter a single word. The idea that this dear child was there, dying from the cruel fanaticisms of my theologians and my own cowardice in obeying them, was a mill-stone to my neck. It was killing me. Oh! if by dying a thousand times, I could have 52 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. added a single day to her life, with what pleasure I would have accepted those thousand deaths! After we had silently prayed and wept by her bedside, she requested her mother to leave her alone with me. When I saw myself alone, under the irresistible impression that this was her last day, I fell on my knees again, and with tears of the most sincere compassion for her soul, I requested her to shake off her shame and to obey our holy Church, which requires every one to confess their sins if they want to be forgiven. She'calmnly, but with an air of diguity which no human words can express, said, " Is it true that, after the sin of Adam and Eve, God Himself made coats and skins, and clothed them, that they might not see each other's nakedness?" "Yes," I said "that is what the Holy Scriptures tell us." "Well, then, how is it possible that our confess- ors dare to take away from us that holy, divine eoat of modesty and self-respect? Has not Almighty God Himself made, with His own hands that coat of womanly modesty and self-respect that we might not be to you and to ourselves, a cause of shame and sin ? " I was really stunned by the beauty, simplicity, THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 53 and sublimity of that comparison. I remained ab- solutely mute and confounded. Though it was demolishing all the traditions and doctrines of my Church, and pulverizing all my holy doctors and theologians, that noble ansA^er found such an echo in my soul, that it seemed to me a sacrilege to try to touch it with my finger. After a short time of silence, she continued, " Twice I have boen destroyed by priests in the confessional. They took away from me that divine coat of modesty and self-respect which God gives to every human being who comes into this world, and twice, I have become for those very priests a deep pit of perdition, into which they have fallen, and where, I fear, they are forever lost! My mer- ciful heavenly Father has given me back that coat of skins, that nuptial robe of modesty, self-respect, and holiness, which had been taken away from me* He cannot allow you or any other man, to tear again and spoil that vestment which is the work of His hands." These words had exhausted her; it was evident to me that she wanted some rest. I left her alone, but I was absolutely beside myself. Filled with admiration for the sublime lessons which I had re- ceived from the lips of that regenerated daughter of Eve, who, it was evident, was soon to fly away 54 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. from us, I felt a supreme disgust for myself, my theologians, and — shall I say it? yes, I felt in that solemn hour a supreme disgust for my Church, which was so cruelly defiling me, and all her priests in the confessional-box. I felt, in that hour, a supreme horror for that auricular confession, which is so often a pit of perdition and supreme misery for the confessor and penitent. I went out and walked two hours on the Plains of Abraham, to breathe the pure and refreshing air of the moun- tain. There, alone, I sat on a stone, on the very spot where Wolfe and Montcalm had fought and died; and I wept to my heart's content, on my irreparable degradation, and the degradation of so many priests through the confessional. At four o'clock in the afternoon I went back again to the house of my dear dying Mary. The mother took me apart, and very politely said, (i My clear Mr. Chiniquy, do you not think it is time that our dear child should receive the. last sacraments? She seemed to be much bettei this morning, and we were full of hope; but she is now rapidly sinking. Please lose no time in giving her the holy viaticum and the extreme unction." I said, "Yes, madam: let me pass a few minutes alone with our poor dear child, that I may prepare her for the last sacraments." THE ICIEST, WoMAN (ND confessional. 55 When alone with her, I again fell on my knees, and, amidst torrents of tears, I said, " Dear sister, it is my desire to give you the holy viaticum and the extreme unction; but tell me, how can I dare to do a thing so solemn against all the prohibitions of our Holy Church? How can I give you the holy communion without first giving you absolu- tion? and how can I give you absolution when you earnestly persist in telling me that you have many sins which you will never declare either to me or any other confessor? "You know that I cherish and respect you as if you were an angel sent to me from heaven. You told me, the other day, that you blessed the day that you first saw and knew me. I say the same thing. I bless the day that I have known you; I bless every hour that I have spent by your bed of suffering; I bless every tear which I have shed with you on your sins and on my own; I bless every hour we have passed together in looking to the wounds of our beloved, dying Saviour; I bless you for having forgiven me your death! for I know it, and I confess it in the presence of God, I have killed you, dear sister. But now I prefer a thou- sand times to die than to say to you a word which would pain you in any way, or trouble the peace of your soul. Please, my dear sister, tell me 5-6 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. what I can and must do for you in this solemn hour." Calmly, and with a smile of joy such as I had never seen before, nor seen since, she said, " I thank and bless you, dear father, for the parable of the Prodi- gal Son, on which you preached a month ago. You have brought me to the feet of the dear Saviour; there I have found a peace and a joy surpassing anything the human heart can feel ; I have thrown myself into the arms of my Heavenly Father, and I know He has mercifullj- accepted and forgiven His poor prodigal child ! Oh, I see the angels with their golden harps around the throne of the Lamb ! Do you not hear the celestial harmony of their songs? I go — I go to join them in my Fath- er's house. I SHALL NOT BE LOST! » While, she was thus speaking to me, my eyes were really turned into two fountains of tears ; I was unable, as well as unwilling, to see anything, so entirely overcome was I by the sublime words which were flowing from the dying lips of that dear child, who was no more a sinner, but a real angel of Heaven to me. I was listening to her words ; there was a celestial music in every one of them. But she had raised her voice in such a strange way, when she had begun to say, " I go to my Father's house," and she had made such a cry THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 57 of joy when she had let the last words, "not be lost," escape her lips, that I raised my head and opened my eyes to look at her. I suspected that something strange had occurred. I got upon my feet, passed my handkerchief over my face to wipe away the tears which were preventing me from seeing with accuracy, and looked at her. Her hands were crossed on her breast, and there was on her face the expression of a really super- human joy; her beautiful eyes were fixed as if they were looking on some grand and sublime spec- tacle ; it seemed to me, at first, that she was pray- ing. In that very instant the mother rushed into the room, crying, "My God! my God! what does that cry i lost ' mean?''' — For her last words, "not to be lost,1' particularly the last one, had been pronounced with such a powerful voice, that they had been heard almost everywhere in the house. I made a sign with my hand to prevent the dis- tressed mother from making any noise and troub- ling her dying child in her prayer, for I really thought that she had stopped speaking, as she used so often to do, when alone with me, in order to pray. But I was mistaken. That redeemed 58 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. soul had gone, on the golden wings of love, to join the multitude of those who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, to sing the eternal Alleluia. CHAPTER II. AURICULAR CONFESSION A DEEP PIT OF PERDITION FOR THE PRIEST. IT was some time after our dear Mary had been buried. The terrible and mysterions cause of her death was known only to God and to myself. Though her loving mother was still weeping over her grave, as usual, she had soon been forgotten by the greatest part of those who had known her ; but she was constantly present to my mind. I never entered the confessional-box without hearing her solemn, though so mild voice, telling me, "There must be, somewhere, something wrong in the aur- icular confession. Twice I have been destroyed by my confessors ; and I have known several others who have have been destroyed in the same way." More than once, when her voice was ringing in my ears from her tomb, I had shed bitter tears on the profound and unfathomable degradation into which I, with the other priests, had to fall in the confessional-box. For many, many times, stories as deplorable as that of this unfortunate girl were 60 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. confessed to me by city, as well as country females. One night I was awakened by the rumbling noise of thunder, when I heard some one knocking at the door. I hastened out of bed to ask who was there. The answer was that the Eev. Mr. was dying, and that he wanted to see me before his death. I dressed myself, and was soon on the highway. The darkness was fearful; and often, had it not been for the liffhtninsr which was almost constantly tearing the clouds, we should not have known where we were. After a long and hard journey through the darkness and the storm, we arrived at the house of the dying priest. I went directly to his room, and really found him very low: he could hardly speak. With a sign of his hand he bade his servant girl, and a young man who were there, to go out, and leave him alone with me. Then he said, in a low voice, " Was it you who prepared poor Mary to die?" " Yes, sir," I answered. " Please tell me the truth. Is it a fact that she died the death of a reprobate, and that her last words were, ' Oh my God! I am lost!" I answered him, " As I was the confessor of that girl, and we were talking together on matters THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 61 which pertained to her confession at the very moment that she was unexpectedly summoned to appear before God, I cannot answer your question in any way ; please, then, excuse me if I cannot say any more on that subject : but tell me who can have assured you that she died the death of a rep- robate I" " It was her own mother," answered the dying man. " Last week she came to visit me, and when ahe was alone with me, with many tears and cries, she said how her poor child had refused to receive the last sacraments, and how her last cry was, * I am lost!" She added that that cry, i Lost!' was pronounced with such a frightful power that it was heard through all the house." u If her mother told you that," I replied, "you may believe what you please about the way that poor child died. I cannot say a word — you know it — about the matter." "But if she is lost," rejoined the old, dying priest, "lam the miserable one who has destroyed her. She was an angel of purity when she came to the convent. Oh ! dear Mary, if you are lost, I am a thousandfold more lost ! Oh, my God, my God ! what will become of me ? I am dying ; and I am lost ! ' ' It was indeed an awful thing to see that old sin- 62 THE PRIEST, ner wringing his hands, and rolling on his bed, as if he had been on burning coals, with all the marks of the most frightful despair on his face, crying, " I am lost! Oh, my God, I am lost!" I was glad that the claps of thunder which were shaking the house, and roaring without ceasing, prevented the people outside the room from hear- ing the cries of desolation from the priest, whom every one considered a great saint. When it seemed to me his terror had somewhat subsided, and that his mind was calmed a little, I said to him, " My dear friend, you must not give yourself up to such despair. Our merciful God has promised to forgive the repenting sinner who comes to Him, even at the last hour of the day. Address yourself to the Virgin Mary, she will ask and ob- tain your pardon." " Do you not think that it is too late to ask par- don? The doctor has honestly warned me that death is very near, and I feel that I am just now dying. Is it not too late to ask and obtain par- don?" asked the dying priest. ' ' No ! my dear sir, it is not too late, if you sin- cerely regret your sins. Throw yourself into the arms of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ; make your con- fession without any more delay; I will absolve you, and you will be saved." THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 63 "But I have never made a good confession. Will you help me to make a general one ?" It was my duty to grant him his request, and the rest of the night was spent by me in hearing the confession of his whole life. I do not want to give many particulars of the life of that priest. First : It was then that I under- stood why poor Mary was absolutely unwilling to mention the iniquities which she had committed with him. They were simply surpassingly horri- ble—unmentionable. No human tongue can ex- press them — few human ears would consent to hear them. The second thing that I am bound in conscience to reveal is almost incredible, but it is nevertheless true. The number of married and unmarried females he had heard in the confessional was about 1,500, of whom he said he had destroyed or scan- dalised at least 1,000 by his questioning them on most depraved things, for the simple pleasure of gratifying his own corrupted heart, without letting them know anything of his sinful thoughts and criminal desires towards them. But he confessed that he had destroyed the purity of ninety-five of those penitents, who had consented to sin with him. And would to God that this priest had been the 64 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. only one whom I have known to be lost through the auricular confession. But, alas! how few are those who have escaped the snares of the tempter compared with those who have perished? I have heard the confessions of more than 200 priests, and to say the truth, as God knows it, I must declare that only twenty-one had not to weep over the secret or public sins committed through the irresist- ibly corrupting influences of auricular confession ! I am now more than seventy-seven years old, and in a short time I shall be in my grave. I shall have to give an account of what I now say. Well, it is in the presence of my great Judge, with my tomb before my eyes, that I declare to the world that very few — yes, very few7 — priests escape from falling into the pit of the most horrible moral depravity the world has ever known, through the confession of females. I do not say this because I have any bad feelings against those priests; God knows I have none. The only feelings I have are of supreme compas- sion and pity. I do not reveal these awful things to make the world believe that the priests of Rome are a worse set of men than the rest of the innum- erable fallen children of Adam; no; I do not enter- tain any such views; for everything considered,, and weighed in the balance of religion, charity and THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 65 common sense— I think that the priests of Home are far from being worse than any other set of men who would be thrown into the same temptations, dangers, and unavoidable occasions of sin. For instance, let us take lawyers, merchants, or farmers, and, preventing them from living with their lawful wives, let us surround each of them from morning to night, by ten, twenty, and some- times more, beautiful women and tempting girls, who would speak to them of things which would pulverize a rock of Scotch granite, and you will see how many of those lawyers, merchants, or farmers would come out of that terrible moral battle-field without being mortally wounded. The cause of the supreme — I dare say incredible, though unsuspected — immorality of the priests of Rome is a very evident and logical one. By the diabolical power of the Pope, the priest is put out of the ways which God has offered to the gen- erality of men to be honest, upright and holy.* And after the Pope has deprived them of the grand, holy, and Divine (in this sense that it comes directly from God) remedy w hich God has given to man against his own concupiscence — holy mar- riage, they are placed unprotected and unguarded * u To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband" (r Cor. viL z.\ 66 THE PRIEST. WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. in the most perilous, difficult, and irresistible moral dangers which human ingenuity or depravity can conceive. Those unmarried men are forced, from morning to night, to be in the midst of beautiful girls, and tempting, charming women, who have to tell them things which would melt the hardest steel. How can you expect that they will cease to be men, and become stronger than angels ? Not only are the priests of Rome deprived by the devil of the only remedy which God has given to help them to withstand, but in the confessional they have the greatest facility which can possibly be imagined for satisfying all the bad propensities of fallen human nature. In the confessional they knovj those who are strong, and they also know those who are weak among the females by whom they are surrounded ; they know who would resist /any attempt from the enemy ; and they know who are ready — nay, who are longing after the deceitful charms of sin. If they still retain the fallen nature )f man, what a terrible hour for them ? what fright- ful battles inside the poor heart ? what superhuman effort and strength would be required to come out a conqueror from that battle field, where a David and a Samson have fallen mortally wounded ? It is simply an act of supreme stupidity on the part of the Protestant, as well as Catholic public, THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 6T to suppose, or suspect, or hope that the generality of the priests can stand such a trial. The pages of the history of Rome herself are filVi with unan- swerable proofs that the great generality of the confessors fall. If it were not so, the miracle of Joshua, stopping the march of the sun and the /noon, would be childish play co2npared with the miracle which would stop and reverse all the laws of our common fallen nature in the hearts of the 100,000 Roman Catholic confessors of the Church of Rome. Were I attempting to prove, by public facts, what I know of the horrible depravity caused by the confessional-box among the priests of France, Canada, Spain, Italy, and England, I should have to write many big volumes in folio. For brevity's sake, I will speak only of Italy. I take that coun- try, because, being u^ider the very eyes of their infallible and most holy (?) pontiff, being in the land of daily miracles, of painted Madonnas, who weep and turn their eyes left and right, up and down, in a most marvellous way, being in the land of miraculous medals and heavenly spiritual favors, constantly flowing from the chair of St. Peter, the confessors in Italy, seeing every year the miracu- lous melting of the blood of St. January, having in their midst the hair of the Virgin Mary, and a part oi her shirt, are in the best possible circum- 68 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. stances to be strong, faithful and holy. Well, let us hear the testimouy of an eye-witness, a con- temporary, and an unimpeachable witness about the way the confessors deal with the penitent females in the holy, apostolical, infallible (?) Church of Rome. The witness we will hear is of the purest blood of the princes of Italy. Her name is Henrietta Carracciolo, daughter of the Marshal Carracciolo, Governor of the Province of Pari, in Italy. Let us hear what she says of the Father Confessors, after twenty years of personal experience in different nun- neries of Italy, in her remarkable book, "Mysteries of the Neapolitan Convents," pp. 150, 151, 152: " My confessor came the following day, and I dis- closed to him the nature of the troubles which beset me. Later in the day, seeing. that I had gone down to the place where we used to receive the holy com- munion, called Communichino, the conversa of my aunt rang the bell for the priest to come with the pyx.* He was a man of about fifty years of age, very corpulent, with a rubicund face, and a type of physiognomy as vulgar as it was repulsive. " I approached the little window to receive the sacred wafer on my tongue, with my eyes closed, * A silver box containing consecrated bread, which is be- lieved to be the real body, blood and divinity of Jesus Christ. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 69 as is customary. I placed it on my tongue, and, as I drew back, I felt my cheeks caressed. I opened my eyes, but the priest had withdrawn his hand, and, thinking I had been deceived, I gave it no more attention. " On the next occasion, forgetful of what had occurred before, I received the sacrament with closed eyes again, according to precept. This time I distinctly felt my chin caressed again, and on opening my eyes suddenly, I found the priest gazing rudely upon me with a sensual smile on his face. "There could be no longer any doubt ; these overtures were not the result of accident. " The daughter of Eve is endowed with a greater degree of curiosity than man. It occurred to me to place myself in a contiguous apartment, where I could observe whether this libertine priest was accustomed to take similar liberties with the nuns. I did so, and was fully convinced that only the old left him without being caressed. 11 All the others allowed him to do with them as he pleased , and even, in taking leave of him, did so with the utmost reverence. "'Is this the respect,' said I to myself, 'that the priests and the spouses of Christ have for their sacrament of the Eucharist ? Shall the poor novice 70 THE PRIEST^ WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. be enticed to leave the world in order to learn, in this school, such lessons of self-respect and chastity?' " Page 163, we read: "The fanatical passion of the nuns for their confessors, priests, and monks, exceeds belief. That which especially renders their incarceration endurable is the illimitable op- portunity they enjoy of seeing and corresponding with those persons with whom they are in love. This freedom localizes and identifies them with the convent so closely that they are unhappy, when, on account of any serious sickness, or while pre- paring to take the veil, they are obliged to pass some months in the bosom of their own families, in company with their fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters. It is not to be presumed that these relatives would permit a young girl to pass many hours, each day, in a mysterious colloquy with a priest, or a monk, and maintain with him this con- respondence. This is a liberty which they can enjoy in the convent only. " Many are the hours which the Heloise spends in the confessional, in agreeable pastime with her Abelard in cassock. "Others, whose confessors happen to be old, have in addition a spiritual director, with whom they amuse themselves a long time every day THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. <1 tete-a-tete, in the parlatoria. When this is not enough, they simulate an illness, in order to have him alone in their own rooms." Page 166, we read : " Another nun, being some- what infirm, her priest confessed her in her own room. After a time, the invalid penitent found herself in what is called an interesting situation, on which account, the physician declaring that her complaint was dropsy, she was sent away from the convent." Page 167 : " A young educanda was in the habit of going down, every night, to the convent burying- place, where, by a corridor which communicated with the vestry, she entered into a colloquy with a young priest attached to the church. Consumed by an amorous passion, she was not deterred by bad weather or the fear ot being discovered. "She heard a great noise, one night, near her. In the thick darkness which surrounded her, she imagined that she saw a viper winding itself round her feet. She was so much overcome by fright, that she died from the effects of it a few months later." Page 168: " One of the confessors had a young penitent in the convent. Every time he was called to visit a dying sister, and on that account passed the night in the convent, this nun would V2 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. climb over the partition which separated her room from his, and betake herself to the master and director of her soul. " Another, during the delirium of a typhoid fever from which she was suffering, was constantly imitating the action of sending kisses to her con- fessor, who stood by the side of her bed. He, covered with blushes on account of the presence of strangers, held a crucifix before the eyes of the penitent, and exclaimed in a commiserating tone: — " i Poor thing! kiss thy own spouse !' " Page 168: "Under the bonds of secresy, an educanda, of fine form and pleasing manners, and of a noble family, confided to me the fact of her having received, from the hands of her confessor, a very interesting book (as she described it) which related to the monastic life. I expressed the wish to know the title, and she, before showing it to me, took the precaution to lock the door. " It proved to be the Monaca, by Dalembert, a book as all know, filled with the most disgusting obscenity. ' ' Page 169: "I received once, from a monk, a letter in which he signified to me that he had hardly seen me when i he conceived the sweet hope of becoming my confessor. ' An exquisite of the first water, a fop of scents and euphuism, could not have THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 16 employed phrases more melodramatic, to demand whether he might hope or despair." Page 169 : "A priest who enjoyed the reputa- tion of being an incorruptible sacerdote, when he saw me pass through the parlatoria, used to address me as follows : — 44 4Ps, dear, come here ; Ps, Ps, come here V "These words, addressed to me by a priest, were nauseous in the extreme. "Finally, another priest, the most annoying of all for his obstinate assiduity, sought to secure my affections at all cost. There was not an image pro- fane poetry could afford him, nor a sophism he could borrow from rhetoric, nor wily interpretation he could give to the Word of God, which he did not employ to convert me to his wishes. Here is an example of his logic: — 444 Fair daughter,1 said he to me one day, 4 knowest thou who God truly is ? ' 444 He is the Creator of the Universe,' I answered drily. 44 4 ]So, — no, — no, — no! that it is not enough,' he replied, laughing at my ignorance. 4 God is love, but love in the abstract, which receives its incarnation in the mutual affection of two hearts which idolise each other. You, then, must not only love God in His abstract existence, but must 74 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. also love Him in His incarnation, that is, in the exclusive love of a man who adores you. Quod Deus est amor, nee colitur nisi amando. ' "'Then,' I replied, 'a woman who adores her own lover would adore Divinity itself? ' " Assuredly,' reiterated the priest, over and over agafn, taking courage from my remark, and chuck- ling at what seemed to him to be the effect of his catechism. " ' In that case,' said I, hastily, u I should select for my lover rather a man of the world than a priest.' "'God preserve you, my daughter! God pre- serve you from that sin! ' added my interlocutor,, apparently frightened, ' To love a man of the world,. a sinner, a wretch, an unbeliever, an infidel ! Why, you would go immediately to hell. The love of a priest is a sacred love, while that of a profane man is infamy ; the faith of a priest emanates from that granted to the holy Church, while that of the pro- fane is false — false as the vanity of the world. The priest purifies his affections daily in commun- ion with the Holy Spirit ; the man of the world (if he ever knows love at all) sweeps the muddy cross- ings of the street with it day and night. ' " ' But it is the heart, as well as the conscience^ which prompts me to fly from the priests,' I replied. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. ii> " * Well, if you cannot love me because I am your confessor, I will find means to assist you to- get rid of your scruples. We will place the name of Jesus Christ before all our affectionate demon- strations, and thus our love will be a grateful offer- ing to the Lord, and will ascend fragrant with per- fume to Heaven, like the smoke of the incense of the sanctuary. Say to me, for example, " I love you in Jesus Christ ; last night I dreamed of you in Jesus Christ ;" and you will have a tranquil conscience, because in doing this you will sanctify every transport of your love. " u Several circumstances not indicated here, by the way, compelled me to come in frequent con- tact with this priest afterwards, and I do not, there- fore, give his name." " Of a very respectable monk, respectable alike for his age and his moral character, I enquired what signified the prefixing the name of Jesus- Christ to amorous apostrophes." "It is,' he said, 'an expression used by a hor- rible sect, and one unfortunately only too numer- ous, which, thus abusing the name of our Lord, permits to its members the most unbridled licen- tiousness." And it is my sad duty to say, before the whole world, that I know that by far the greater part of 76 THE PRIEST, WOMAN, AND CONFESSIONAL. the confessors in America, Spain, France, an .. England, reason and act just like that licentious Italian priest. Christian nations! If you could know what will become of the virtue of your fair daughters if you allow secret or public slaves of Rome under the name of Ritualists to restore the auricular confes- sion, with what a storm of holy indignation you would defeat their plans ! CHAPTER III. THE CONFESSIONAL IS THE MODERN SODOM. IF anyone wants to hear an eloquent oration, let him go wlaere the Roman Catholic priest is preaching on the divine institution of auricular confession. There is no subject, perhaps, on which the priests display so much zeal and earnestness, and of which they speak so often. For this insti- tution is really the corner-stone of their stupendous power; it is the secret of their almost irresistible influence. Let the people open their eyes, to-day, to the truth, and understand that auricular con- fession is one of the most stupendous impostures which Satan has invented, to corrupt and enslave the world; let the people desert the confessional- box to-day, and to-morrow Romanism will fall into the dust. The priests understand this very well ; hence their constant efforts to deceive the people on that question. To attain their object, they have recourse to the most egregious falsehoods ; the Scriptures are misrepresented ; the holy Fathers are brought to say the very contrary of what they 78 THE PKIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. have ever thought or written ; and the most extra- ordinary miracles and stories are invented. But two of the arguments to which they have more often recourse, are the great and perpetual miracles which God makes to keep the purity of the con- fessional undefiled, and its secrets marvellously sealed. They make the people believe that the vow of perpetual chastity changes their nature, turns them into angels, and puts them above the common frailties of the fallen children of Adam. Bravely, and with a brazen face, when they are interrogated on that subject, they say that they have special graces to remain pure and undefiled in the midst of the greatest dangers ; that the Vir- gin Mary, to whom they are consecrated, is their powerful advocate to obtain from her Son that superhuman virtue of chastity ; that what would be a cause of sure perdition to common men, is without peril and danger for a true Son of Mary ; and, with amazing stupidity, the people consent to be duped, blinded, and deceived by those fooleries. But here, let the world learn the truth as it is, from one who knows perfectly everything inside and outside the walls of that Modern Babylon. Though many, I know, will disbelieve me and say, " We hope you are mistaken ; it is impossible that the priests of Rome should turn out to be such im- THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 79 postors ; they may be mistaken ; they may believe and repeat things which are not true, but they are honest ; they cannot be such impudent deceivers." Yes ; though I know that many will hardly be- lieve me, I must tell the truth. Those very men, who, when speaking to the peo- ple in such glowing terms of the marvellous way they are kept pure, in the midst of the dangers which surround them, honestly blush — and often weep — when they speak to each other (when they are sure that nobody, except priests, hear them). They deplore their own moral degradation with the utmost sincerity and honesty; they ask from God and men, pardon for their unspeakable depravity. I have here — in my hands, and under my eyes- one of their most remarkable secret books, written (or at least approved) by one of their greatest and best bishops and cardinals, the Cardinal de Bon* aid, Archbishop of Lyons. The book is written for the use of priests alone. Its title is, in French, " Examen de Conscience des PretTes." At page 34, we read : — " Have I left certain persons to make the declar- ations of their sins in such a way that the imagina- tion, once taken and impressed by pictures and representations, could be dragged into a long course of temptations and grevious sins ? The priests do 80 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. not pay sufficient attention to the continual tempta- tions caused by the hearing of confessions. The soul is gradually enfeebled in such a way that, af the end, the virtue of chastity is forever lost." Here is the address of a priest to other priests, when he suspects that nobody but his co-sinner brethern hear him. Here is the honest language of truth. In the presence of God those priests acknowl- edge that they have not a sufficient fear of those* constant (what a word — what an acknowledgment — • constant!) temptations, and they honestly confess that these temptations come from the hearing of the confessions of so many scandalous sins. Here the priests honestly acknowledge that those con- stant temptations, at the end, destroy forever in them the holy virtue of purity." Ah! would to God that all the honest girls and women whom the devil entraps into the snares of auricular confession, could hear the cries of distress of those poor priests whom they have tempted-- forever destroyed ! Would to God that they could * And remark, that all their religious authors who have written on that subject hold the same language. They all .speak of those continual degrading temptations ; they all lament the damning sins which follow those temptations ; they all en- treat the priests to fight those temptations and repent of those sins. YilE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 81 gee tKe torrents of tears shed by so many priests, because, from the hearing of confessions, they had forever lost the virtue of purity! They would un- (jderstand that the confessional is a snare, a pit of (perdition, a Sodom for the priest; and they would *a>jS*jGS»IO;NtAL. he could hear his cries of distress, and see his tears flowing, because the hearing of those confessions is the source of constant, shameful temptations and degrading iniquities? Oh ! would to God that the honest Romanists all over the world — for there are millions, who, though deluded, are honest — could see what is going on in the heart, and the imagination of the poor con- fessor when he is, there, surrounded by attractive women and tempting girls, speaking to him from morning to night on things which a man cannot hear without falling. Then, that modern but grand imposture, called the Sacrament of Penance, would eoon be ended. But here, again, who will not lament the conse- quences of the total perversity of human na- ture? Those very same priests who, when alone, In the presence of God, speak so plainly of the con- stant temptations by which they are assailed, and who so sincerely weep over the irreparable loss of their virtue of purity, when they think that nobody hears them, will yet, in public, with a brazen face, deny those temptations. They will indignantly rebuke you as a slanderer if you say anything to lead them to suppose that you fear for their purity, when they hear the confessions of girls or married Momen! THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 83 There is not a single one of the Roman Catholic -authors, who have written on that subject for the priests, who has not deplored their innumerable and degrading sins against purity, on account of the auricular confession; but those very men will be the first to try to prove the very contrary when they write books for the people. I have no words to tell what was my surprise when, for the first time, I saw that this strange duplicity seemed to be one of the fundamental stones of my Church. It was not very long after my ordination, when a priest came to me to confess the most deplorable things. He honestly told me that there was not a single one of the girls or married women whom he had confessed, who had not been a secret cause of the most shameful sins, in thought, desires, or actions; but he wept so bitterly over his degrada- tion, his heart seemed so sincerely broken on ac- count of his own iniquities, that I could not refrain from mixing my tears with his; I wept with him, and I gave him pardon for all his sins, as I then thought I had the power and right to give it. Two hours afterwards, that same priest, who was a good speaker, was in the pulpit. His sermon was on "The Divinity of Auricular Confession;" and, to prove that it was an institution coming directly from Christ, he said that the Son of God was per- 84 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. forming a constant miracle to strengthen His priests, and prevent them from falling into sins, on account of what they might have heard in the con- fessional! ! ! The daily abominations, which are the result of auricular confession, are so horrible and so well known by the popes, the bishops, and the priests, that several times, public attempts have been made to diminish them by punishing the guilty priests] but all these commendable efforts have failed. One of the most remarkable of those efforts was made by Pius IV. about the year 1560. A Bull was published by him, by which all the girls and married women who had been seduced into sins by their confessors, were ordered to denounce them; and a certain number of high church officers of the Holy Inquisition were authorized to take the de- positions of the fallen penitents. The thing was, at first, tried at Seville, one of the principal cities of Spain. When the edict was first published, the number of women who felt bound in conscience to go and depose against their father confessors, was so great, that though there were thirty notaries, and as many inquisitors, to take the depositions, they were unable to do the work in the appointed time. Thirty days more were given, but the in- quisitors were so overwhelmed with the numberless THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 85 depositions, that another period of time of the same length was given. But this, again, was found in- sufficient. At the end, it was found that the num- ber of priests who had destroyed the purity of their penitents was so great that it was impossible to punish them all. The inquest was given up, and the guilty confessors remained unpunished. Several attempts of the same nature have been tried by Mher popes, but with about the same success. But if those honest attempts on the part of some well-meaning popes, to punish the confessors who destroy the purity of the penitents, have failed to touch the guilty parties, they are, in the good orovidence of God, infallible witnesses to tell to the world that auricular confession is nothing else than a snare to the confessor and his dupes. Yes, ihose Bulls of the popes are an irrefragable testi- mony that auricular confession is the most pow- erful invention of the devil to corrupt the heart, pollute the body, and damn the soul of the priest and his female penitent! CHAPTER IV. HOW THE VOW OF CELIBACY OF THE PRIESTS IS MADE EASY BY AURICULAR CONFESSION. ARE not facts the best arguments? Well, here is an undeniable, a public fact, which is con- nected with a thousand collateral ones, to prove- that auricular confession is the most powerful machine of demoralization which the world has ever seen. About the year 1830, there was in Quebec a fine- looking young priest; he had a magnificent voice, and was a pretty good speaker.* Through regard for his family, which is still numerous and respect- able, I will not give his name: I will call him Rev. Mr. D . Having been invited to preach in a parish of Canada, about 100 miles distant from Quebec, called Vercheres, he was also requested to hear the confessions, during a few days of a kind of Novena (nine days of revival), which was going on in that place- Among his penitents was a beau- tiful young girl, about nineteen years old. She *He is dead long ago. THE PRIES7N WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 8f wanted to make a general confession of all her sins from the first age of. reason, and the confessor granted her request. Twice, every day, she was^ there, at the feet of hnr handsome young spiritual ' physician, telling all her thoughts, her deeds, and her desires. Sometimes sh<* was remarked to have remained a whole hour in the confessional-box^ accusing herself of all her human frailties. What did she say? God only knows; but what became hereafter known by a great part of the entire part of the population of Canada is, that the confessor fell in love with his fair penitent, and that she burned with the same irresistible fires for her con- fessor— as it so often happens. It was not an easy matter for the priest and the young girl to meet each other in as complete a tete-a-tete as they both wished; for there were too many eyes upon them. But the confessor was a man of resources. On the last day of Novena, he said to his beloved penitent, u I am going now to Montreal; but in three days, I will take the steamer back to Quebec. That steamer is accus- tomed to stop here. At about twelve, at night, be on the wharf dressed as a young man; but let no one know your secret. You will embark in the steamboat, where you will not be known, if you have any prudence. You will come to Quebec, 88 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. where you will be engaged as a servant boy by the curate, of whom I am the vicar. Nobody will know your sex except myself, and, there, we will be happy together." The fourth day after this, there was a great des- olation in the family of the girl ; for she had sud- denly disappeared, and her robes had been found on the shores of the St Lawrence River. There was not the least doubt in the minds of all relations and friends, that the general confession she had made, had entirely upset her mind ; and in an ex- cess of craziness, she had thrown herself into the deep and rapid waters of the St. Lawrence Many searches were made to find her body ; but, of course, all in vain. Many public and private prayors were oifered to God to help her escape from the flames of Purgatory, where she might be con- demned to suffer for many years, and much money was given to the priest to sing high masses, in order to extinguish the fires of that burning prison, where every Roman Catholic believes he must go to be purified before entering the regions of eternal happiness. I will not give the name of the girl, though I have it, through compassion for her family ; I will call her Geneva. Well, when father and mother, brothers, sisters, THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 89 and friends were shedding tears at the sad end of Geneva, she was in the parsonage of the rich Curate of Quebec, well paid, well fed, and dressed — happy and cheerful with her beloved confessor. She was exceedingly neat in her person, always obliging, and ready to run and do what you wanted at the very twinkling of your eye. Her new name was Joseph, by which I will now call her. Many times I have seen the smart Joseph at the parsonage of Quebec, and admired his politeness and good manners ; though it seemed to me, some- times, that he looked too much like a girl, and that lie was a little too much at ease with the Eev. Mr. D — , and also with the Eight Eev. Bishop M — . But every time the idea came to me that Joseph was a girl, I felt indignant with myself. The high respect I had for the Coadjutor Bishop, who was also the Curate of Quebec, made it almost impossible to imagine that he would ever allow a beautiful girl to sleep in the adjoining room to his own, and to serve him day and night; for Joseph's sleeping-room was just by that of the Coadjutor, who, for several bodily infirmities (which were not a secret to every one), wanted the help of his ser- vant several times at night, as well as during the day. Things went on very smoothly with Joseph dur- DO THE PRIEST WOMAN, AND CONFESSIONAL, ing two or three years, in the Coadjutor Bishop's house ; but at the end, it seemed to many people? outside, that Joseph was taking too great airs of familiarity with the young vicars, and even with, the venerable Coadjutor. Several of the citizens of Quebec, who were going more often than others to the parsonage, were surprised and shocked at the familiarity of that servant boy with his mas- ters ; he really seemed sometimes to be on equal terms with, if not somewhat above them. An intimate friend of the Bishop — a most de- voted Roman Catholic — who was my near relative, took upon himself one day to respectfully say to the Eight Eev. Bishop that it would be prudent to turn out that impudent young man from his pal- ace— that he was the object of strong and most deplorable suspicions. The position of the Eight Eev. Bishop and hi* vicars, was, then, not a very agreeable one. Their barque had evidently drifted among dangerous rocks. To keep Joseph among them was impossi- ble, after the friendly advice which had come from such a high quarter; and to dismiss him was not less dangerous ; he knew too much of the interior and secret lives of all these holy (?) celibates, to deal with him as with another common servant- man. With a single word of his lips he could THE PEIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 91 destroy them : they were as if tied to his feet by ropes, which, at first, seemed made with sweet cakes and ice-cream, but had suddenly turned into burning steel chains. Several days of anxiety passed away, and many sleepless nights succeeded the too happy ones of better times. But what was to be done ? There were breakers ahead ; breakers on the right, on the left, and on every side. How- ever, when everyone, particularly the venerable (?) Coadjutor, felt as criminals who expect their sen- tence, and that their horizon seemed surrounded absolutely by only dark and stormy clouds, a happy opening suddenly presented itself to the anxious sailors. The curate of " Les Eboulements," the Rev. Mr. Clement, had just come to Quebec on some- private business, and had taken up his quarters in the hospitable house of his old friend, the Right Rev. , Bishop Coadjutor. Both had been on very intimate terms for many years, and in many instances they had been of great service to- each other. The Pontiff ot the Church of Canada, hoping that his tried friend would perhaps help him out of the terrible difficulty of the moment, frankly told him all about Joseph, and asked him what he' ought to do under such difficult circumstances. " My Lord," said the curate of the Eboulements^ $2 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. " Joseph is just the servant I want. Pay him well, that he may remain your friend, and that his lips may be sealed, and allow me to take him with me. My housekeeper left me a few weeks ago ; I am alone in my parsonage with my old servant-man. Joseph is just the person I want." It would be difficult to tell the joy of the poor Bishop and his vicars, when they saw that heavy stone they had on their neck thus removed. Joseph, once installed into the parsonage of the pious (?) parish priest of the Eboulements, soon gained the favor of the whole people by his good and winning manners, and every parishioner com- plimented the curate on the smartness of his new servant. The priest, of course, knew a little more of that smartness than the rest of the people. Three years passed on very smoothly. The priest and his servant seemed to be on the most perfect terms. The only thing which marred the happi- ness of that lucky couple was that, now and then, some of the farmers whose eyes were sharper than those of their neighbors, seemed to think that the intimacy between the two was going a little too far, and that Joseph was really keeping in his hands the sceptre of the little priestly kingdom. Noth- ing could be done without his advice ; he was riddling in all the small and big affairs of the THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 93 parish, and the curate seemed sometimes to be rather the servant than the master in his own house and parish. Those who had, at first, made these remarks privately, began, little by little, to convey their views to their next neighbor, and this one to the next : in that way, at the end of the third year, grave and serious suspicions began to spread from one to the other in such a way that the Marguilliers (a kind of Elders), thought proper to say to the priest that it would be better for him to turn Joseph out than to keep him any longer. But the old curate had passed so many happy hours with his faithful Joseph that it was as hard as death to give him up. He knew, by confession, that a girl in the vicin- ity was given to an unmentionable abomination, to which Joseph was also addicted. He went to her and proposed that she should marry Joseph, and that he (the priest) would help them to live com- fortably. Joseph, in order to live near his good master, consented also to marry the girl. Both knew very well what the other was. The banns were published during three Sabbaths, after which the old curate blessed the marriage of Joseph with the girl of his parishioner. They lived together as husband and wife, in such harmony that nobody could suspect the horrible 94 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. depravity which was concealed behind that union. Joseph continued, with his wife, to work often for his priest, till after some time that priest was re- moved, and another curate, called Tetreau? was sent in his place. This new curate, knowing absolutely nothing oi that mystery of iniquity, employed also Joseph and his wife, several times. One day, when Joseph was working at the door of the parsonage, in the presence of several people, a stranger arrived, and enquired of him if the Kev. Mr. Tetreau, the cur* •ate, was there. Joseph answered " Yes, sir. But as you seem to be a stranger, would you allow me to ask you whence you come ? " "It is very easy, sir, to satisfy you. I com© from Vercheres," replied the stranger. At the word " Yercheres " Joseph turned so pale that the stranger could not but be struck with his sudden change of color. Then, fixing his eyes on Joseph, he cried out, "Oh my God! what do I see here! Geneva f Geneva ! I recognize you, and here you are in the disguise of a man ! " " Dear Uncle" (for it was her uncle), "for God's sake," she cried, " do not say a word more !" But it was too late. The people, who were there. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 95 liacl heard the uncle and niece. Their long secret suspicions were well-founded — one of their former priests had kept a girl under the disguise of a man in his house ! and, to blind his people more thoroughly, he had married that girl to another one, in order to have them both in his house when he pleased, without awakening any suspicion ! The news went almost as quick as lightning from one end to the other of the parish, and spread all over the northern country watered by the St. Law- rence River. It is more easy to imagine than express the sen- timents of surprise and horror which filled every- one. The justices of the peace took up the matter ; Joseph was brought before the civil tribunal, which decided that a physician should be charged to make, not a post-morte?n, but an ante-mortem in- quest. The Honorable Lateriere, who was called, and made the proper inquiry, declared that Joseph was a girl ; and the bonds of marriage were legally dissolved. During that time the honest Rev. Mr. Te'treau, 3truck with horror, had sent an express to the Right Reverend Bishop Coadjutor, of Quebec, in- forming him that the young man whom he had kept in his house several years, under the name of Joseph, was a girl. 96 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONCESSIONAL. Now, what were they to do with the girl, aftei all was discovered ? Her presence in Canada would forever compromise the holy (?) Church of Rome. She knew too well how the priests, through the confessional, select their victims, and help them- selves in their company, in keeping their solemn vows of celibacy ! What would have become of the respect paid to the priest, if she had been taken by the hand and invited to speak bravely and boldly before the people of Canada? The holy (?) Bishop and his vicars understood these things very well. •They immediately sent a trustworthy man with £500, to say to the girl that if she remained at Canada, she could be prosecuted and severly pun- ished ; that it was her interest to leave the country, and emigrate to the United States. They offered her the £500 if she would promise to go and never return. She accepted the offer, crossed the lines, and has never gone back to Canada, where her sad history is well known by thousands and thousands. In the providence of God I was invited to preach in that parish soon after, and I learned these facts accurately. The Rev. Mr. Tetreau, under whose pastorate this great iniquity was detected, began from that THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 97 time to have his eyes opened to the awful depravity of the priests of Rome through the confessional. He wept and cried over his own degradation in the midst of that modern Sodom. Our merciful God looked down with compassion upon him, and sent him His saving grace. Not long after, he sent to the Bishop his renunciation of the errors and abominations of Romanism. To-day he is working in the vineyard of the Lord with the Methodists in the city of Montreal, where he is ready to prove the correctness of what I say.* Let those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see, understand, by this fact, that Pagan nations have not known any institution more depraving than Auricular Confession. * This was written in 1874. Now, in 1880, I have to say- that Rev. Mr. TGtreau died in 1877, in the peace of God, in Montreal. Twice before his death he ordered out the priests of Rome, who had come to try to persuade him to make his peace with the Pope, calling them " Suppots de Satan "— ** Devil's Messengers." CHAPTER V. THE HIGHLY- EDUCATED AND KEFINED WOMAN IN THE CONFESSIONAL. WHAT BECOMES OF HER UNCON- DITIONAL SURRENDER. HER IRREPARABLE RUIN. THE most skilful warrior has never had to dis- play so much skill and so many ruses de guerre — he has never had to use moye tremendous efforts to reduce and storm an impregnable citadel, than the confessor, who wants to reduce and storm the citadel of self-respect and honesty which God Him- self has built around the soul and the heart of every daughter of Eve. But, as it is through woman that the Pope wants to conquer the world, it is supremely important that he should enslave and degrade her by keeping her at his feet as his footstool, that she may become a passive instrument for the accomplishment of his vast and profound scheme. In order perfectly to master women in the higher circles of society, every confessor is ordered by the Pope to learn the most complicated and perfect strategy. He has to study a great number of THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 99 treatises on the art of persuading the fair sex to confess to him plainly, clearly, and in detail, every thought, every secret desire, word, and deed, just as they occurred. And that art is considered so important and so difficult that all the theologians of Rome call it " the art of arts." ft , . — " Dens, St. Liguori, Chevassu, the author of the *' Mirror of the Clergy," Debreyne, and a multi- tude of authors too numerous to mention, have given the curious and scientific rules of that secret art. They all agree in declaring that it is a most diffi- cult and dangerous art ; they all confess that the least error of judgment, the least imprudence or temerity, when storming the impregnable citadel, is certain death (spiritual, of course) to the confes- sor and the penitent. The confessor is taught to make the first steps towards the citadel with the utmost caution, in order that his female penitent may not suspect at first, what he wants her to reveal ; for that would generally induce her to shut for ever the door of the fortress against him. After the first steps of advance, he is advised to make several steps back, and to put himself in a kind of spiritual ambus- cade, to see the effect of his first advance. If there 100 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. is any prospect of success, then the word "March on!" is given, and a more advanced post of the citadel must be tried and stormed, if possible. In that way, little by little, the whole place is so well surrounded, so well crippled, denuded and dis- mantled, that any more resistance seems impossible on the part of the rebellious soul. Then, the last charge is ordered, the final assault is made; and if God does not perform a real miracle to save that soul, the last walls crumble, the doors are beaten down; then the confessor makes a triumphant entry into the place ; the very heart, soul, conscience, and intelligence are con quered. When once master of the place, the priest visits all its most secret recesses and corners ; he pries into its most sacred chambers. The conquered place is entirely and absolutely in his hands ; he is the supreme master; for the surrender has been unconditional. The confessor has become the only infallible ruler in the conquered place — nay, he has become its only God — for it is in the name of God he has besieged, stormed and conquered it ; it is in the name of God that, hereafter, he will speak and be obeyed. No human words can adequately convey an idea of the irreparable ruin which follows the successful THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 101 ♦storming and unconditional surrender of that, once, noble fortress. The longer and stronger the resis- tance has been, the more terrible and complete is the destruction of its beauty and strength; the nobler the struggle has been, the more irretrievable are the ruin and loss. Just as the higher and stronger the dam is built to stem the current of the rapid and deep waters of the river, the more awful will be the disasters which follows its destruction ; so it is with that noble soul. A mighty dam has been built by the very hand of God, called self- respect and womanly-modesty, to guard her against the pollutions of this sinful world; but the day that the priest of Rome succeeds, after long efforts, in destroying it, the soul is carried by an irresistible power into unfathomable abysses of iniquity. Then it is that the once respected lady will consent to hear, without a blush, things against which the most degraded woman would indignantly shut her ears. Then it is that she freely speaks with her confessor on matters, for reprinting which a printer in England has lately been sent to jail. At first, in spite of herself, but soon with a real sensual pleasure, that fallen angel, when alone, will think on what she has heard, and what she has said in the confessional-box. Then, in spite of her- self, the vilest thoughts will, at first irresistibly fill 102 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. her mind; and soon the thoughts will engender temptations and sins. But those vile temptations and sins, which would have filled her with horror and regret before her entire surrender into the hands of the foe, beget very different sentiments, now that she is no more her own self-possessor and guide. The conviction of her sins is no more con- nected with the thought of a God, infinitely holy and just, whom she must serve and fear. The convictions of her sins is now immediately con- nected with the thought of a man with whom she will have to speak, and who will easily make every- thing right and pure in her soul by his absolu- tion. When the day for going to confession comes, instead of being sad, uneasy and bashful, as she used to be formerly, she feels pleased and delighted to have a new opportunity of conversing on those matters without impropriety and sin to herself; for she is now fully persuaded that there is no im- propriety, no shame, no sin ; nay, she believes, or tries to believe, that it is a good, honest, Christian, and godly thing to converse with her priest on those matters. Her most happy hours are when she is at the feet of that spiritual physician, showing him all the aewly-made wounds of her soul, and explaining all THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 103 her constant temptations, her bad thoughts, her most intimate secret desires and sins. Then it is that the most sacred mysteries of the married life are revealed ; then it is that the mys- terious and precious pearls which God has given as a crown of mercy to those whom He has made one body, one heart and soul, by the blessed ties of a Christian union, are lavishly thrown before swine. Whole hours are passed by the fair penitent in thus speaking to her Father Confessor with the utmost freedom, on matters which would rank her amongst the most profligate and lost women, if it were only suspected by her friends and relatives. A single word of those intimate conversations would be followed by an act of divorce on the part of her husband, if it were known by him. But the betrayed husband knows nothing of the dark mysteries of auricular confession ; the duped father suspects nothing ; a cloud from hell has obscured the intelligence of them both, and made them blind. On the contrary, — husbands and fathers, friends and relations, feel edified and pleased with the touching spectacle of the piety of Madam and Miss . In the village, as well as in the city, every one has a word to speak in their praise. Mrs. is so often seen humbly prostrated at the feet, or by the side, of her con- 104 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. fessor ; Miss remains so long in the confes- sional-box ; they receive the holy communion so frequently ; they both speak so eloquently and so often of the admirable piety, modesty, holiness, patience, charity, of their incomparable spiritual Father ! Every one congratulates them on their new and exemplary life, and they accept the compliment with the utmost humility, attributing their rapid progress in Christian virtues to the holiness of their confessor. He is such a spiritual man ; who could not make rapid strides under such a holy guide ? The more constant the temptations, the more the secret sins overwhelm the soul, and the more airs of peace and holiness are put on. The more foul the secret emanations of the heart, the more the fair and refined penitent surrounds herself by an atmosphere of the sweetest perfumes of a sham piety. The more polluted the inside of the sepul- chre is, the more shining and white the outside will be kept. Then it is that, unless God performs a miracle to prevent it, the ruin of that soul is sealed. She has drunk in the poisonous cup filled by the "mother of harlots," she has found the wine of her prosti- tution sweet ! She will henceforth delight in her spiritual and secret orgies. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 105 Her holy (?) confessor has told her that there is no impropriety, no shame, no sin, in that cup. The Pope has sacrilegiously written the word "Life" on that cup of "Death." She has be- lieved the Pope ; the terrible mystery of iniquity is accomplished ! "The 'mystery of iniquity doth already work, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And fortius cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie ; that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in un- righteousness." (2 Thess. ii. 7-12.) Yes; the day that the rich, well-educated lady gives up her self-respect, and unconditionally sur- renders the citadel of womanly modesty into the hands of a man, whatever be his name or titles, that he may freely put to her questions of the vilest character, which she must answer, she is lost and degraded, just as if she were the humblest and poorest servant-girl. I purposely say "the rich and well-educated woman," for I know that there is a prevalent opin- ion that the social position of her class places her 106 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. above the corrupting influences of the confessional, as if she were out of the reach of the common mis- eries of our poor fallen and sinful nature. So long as the well-educated lady makes use oi her accomplishments to defend the citadel of her womanly self-respect against the foe — so long as she sternly keeps the door of her heart shut against her deadly enemy — she is safe. But let no one forget this : she is safe only so- long as she does not surrender. When the enemy is once master of the place, I emphatically repeat, the ruinous consequences are as great, if not greater, and more irreparable than in the lowest classes of society. Throw a piece of precious gold into the mud, and tell me if it will not plunge deeper than the piece of rotten wood. What woman could be nobler, purer, and stronger than Eve when she came from the hands of her Divine Creator ? But how quickly she fell when she gave ear to the seducing voice of the tempter ! How irreparable was her ruin when she complac- ently looked on the forbidden fruit, and believed the lying voice which told her there was " no sin " in eating of it ! I solemnly, in the presence of the great God, who ere long, will judge me, give my testimony on this grave subject. After 25 years' experience in THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 10T the confessional, I declare that the confessor him- self encounters more terrible dangers when hearing the confessions of refined and highly educated ladies, than when listening to those of the humbler classes of his female penitents. I solemnly testify that the well-educated lady, when she has once surrendered herself to the power of her confessor, becomes at least as vulnerable to the arrows of the enemy as the poorer and less educated. Nay, I must say that, once on the down- hill road of perdition, the high-bred lady runs headlong into the pit with a more deplorable rapid- ity than her humbler sister. All Canada is witness that a few years ago, it was among the highest ranks of society that the Grand Yicar Superior of the college of Montreal, was choosing his victims, when the public cry of indignation and shame forced the Bishop to send him back to Europe, where he, soon after, died. Was it not also among the higher classes of society that a superior of the Seminary of Quebec was destroying souls, when he was detected, and forced, during a dark night, to fly and conceal himself behind the walls of the Trappist Monastery of Iowa ? Many would be the folio volumes which I should have to write, were I to publish all that rvr tw< -ty- 108 THE PRIEST WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL - five years' experience in the confessional lias taugtiu me of the unspeakable secret corruption of the greatest part of the so-called respectable ladies, who have unconditionally surrendered themselves into the hands of their holy (?) confessors. But the following fact will suffice for those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and an intelligence to under- stand : — In one of the most beautiful and thriving towns along the St. Lawrence River, lived a rich mer- chant. He was young, and his marriage with a most lovely, rich, and accomplished young lady had made him one of the happiest men in the land. A few years after his marriage, the Bishop ap- pointed to that town a young priest, really remark- able for his eloquence, zeal, and amiable qualities ; and the merchant and the priest soon became con- nected by links of the most sincere friendship. The young, accomplished wife of the merchant soon became the model woman of the place under the direction of her new confessor. Many and long were the hours she used to pass by the side of her spiritual father to be purified and enlightened by his godly advices. She soon was seen at the head of the few who had the priv- ilege of receiving the holy communion once a week. The husband, who was a good Roman Catholic THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 109 himself, blessed God and the Virgin Mary, that he had the privilege of living with such an ange? of piety. Nobody had the least suspicion of what was going on under that holy and white mantle of the most exalted piety. Nobody, except God and His angels, could hear the questions put by the priest to his fair penitent, and the answers made during the long hours of their tSte-a-tete in the confession- al-box. Nobody but God could see the hellish fires which were devouring the hearts of the con- fessor and his victim ! For nearly one year, both the young priest and his spiritual patient enjoyed, in those intimate and secret conversations, all the pleasure which L>vers feel when they can speak freely to each other of their secret thoughts and love. But this was not enough for them. They both wanted something more real ; though the dim* culties were great, and seemed insurmountable. The priest had his mother and sister with him, whose eyes were too sharp to allow him to invite the lady to his own house for any criminal object, and the young husband had no business, at a dis- tance, which could keep him long enough out of his happy home to allow the Pope's confessor to accomplish his diabolical designs. 110 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. But when a poor fallen daughter of Eve has a mind to do a thing, she very soon finds the means, particularly if high education has added to her natural shrewdness. And in this case, as in many others of a similar nature which have been revealed to me, she soon found out how to attain her object without compro- mising herself or her holy (?) confessor. A plan was soon found and cordially agreed to ; and both patiently awaited their opportunity. "Why have you not gone to mass to-day and received the holy communion, my dear?" said the husband. " I had ordered the servant-man to put the horse in the buggy for you, as usual." " I am not very well, my beloved ; I have passed a sleepless night from headache." c ' I will send for the physician, ' ' replied the hus- band. ' ' Yes, my dear ; do send for the physician— perhaps he will do me good." One hour after the physician called, and he found his fair patient a little feverish, pronounced that there was nothing serious, and that she would soon "be well. He gave her a little powder, to be taken three times a day, and left ; but at 9 P. M. , she complained of a great pain in the chest, and soon fainted and fell on the floor. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. Ill The doctor was again immediately sent for, but he was from home ; it took nearly half an hour before he could come. When he arrived the alarm- ing crisis was over — she was sitting in an arm-chair, with some neighboring women, who were applying cold water and vinegar to her forehead. The physician was really at a loss what to say of the cause of such a sudden illness. At last, he said that it might be an attack of " ver solitaire " (tape- worm). He declared that it was not dangerous ; that he knew how to cure her. He ordered some new powder to be taken, and left, after having promised to return the next day. Half an hour after, she began to complain of a most terrible pain in her chest, and fainted again ; but before doing so, she said to her husband: — " My dear, you see that the physician under- stands absolutely nothing of the nature of my dis- ease. I have not the least confidence in him, for I feel that his powders make me worse. I do not want to see him any more. I suffer more than you suspect, my beloved ; and if there is not soon a change, I may be dead to-morrow. The only physician I want is our holy confessor ; please make haste to go and get him. I want to make a general confession, and to receive the holy viaticum (com- munion) and extreme unction before I grow worse.' ! 112 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. Beside himself with anxiety, the distracted hus- band ordered the horse to be put in the buggy, and made his servant accompany him on horseback, to ring the bell, while his pastor carried " the good god" (Le Bon Dieu) to his dear sick wife. He found the priest piously reading his breviar- ium (his book of daily prayers), and admired the charity and promptitude with which his good pas- tor, in that dark and chilly night, was ready to leave his warm and comfortable parsonage at the first appeal of the sick. In less than an hour, the husband had taken the priest with "the good god * from the church to the bedroom of his wife. All along the way, the servant-man had rung a big hand-bell, to awaken the sleeping farmers, who, at the noise, had to jump, half naked, out of their beds, and worhip, on their knees, with their faces prostrate in the dust, " the good god " which was being carried to the sick by the holy (?) priest. On his arrival, the confessor, with every appear- ance of sincere piety, deposited "the good god" (Le Bon Dim) on a table richly prepared for such a solemn occasion, and, approaching the bed, leaned his head towards his penitent, and inquired how she felt. She answered him, " I am very sick, and I want to make a general confession before 1 die,'' THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 113 Speaking to her husband, she said, with a faint- ing voice, "Please, my dear, tell my friends to withdraw from the room, that I may not be dis- tracted when making what may be my last confes- sion." The husband respectfully requested the friends to leave the room with him, and shut the door, that the holy confessor might be alone with his penitent during her general confession. One of the most diabolical schemes, under the cover of auricular confession, had perfectly suc- ceeded. The mother of harlots, the great enchan- tress of souls, whose seat is on the city of the " seven hills," had, there, her priest to bring; shame, disgrace, and damnation, under the mask of Christianity. The destroyer of souls, whose masterpiece is auricular confession, had, there, for the millionth time, a fresh opportunity of insulting the God of purity through one of the most criminal actions which the dark shades of night can conceal. But let us draw the veil over the abominations of that hour of iniquity, and let us leave to hell its dark secrets. After he had accomplished the ruin of his victim and most cruelly and sacrilegiously abused the con- fidence of his friend, the young priest opened the 114 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. door of the room and said, with a sanctimonious air, " You may now enter to pray with me, while I give the last sacrament to our dear sick sister." They came in : " the good god " (Ze Bon Dieu) was given to the woman; and the husband, full of gratitude for the considerate attention of his priest, took him back to his parsonage, and thanked him most sincerely for having so kindly come to visit his wife in so chilly a night. Ten years later I was called to preach a retreat (a kind of revival) in that same parish. That lady, then an absolute stranger to me, came to my con- fessional-box and confessed to me those details as I now give them. She seemed to be really peni- tent, and I gave her absolution and the entire pardon of her sins, as my Church told me to do. On the last day of the revival, the merchant in- vited me to a grand dinner. Then it was that I came to know who my penitent had been. I must not forget to mention that she had confessed to me that, of her four children, the last three belonged to her confessor ! He had lost his mother, and, his sister having married, his parsonage had become more accessible to his fair penitents, many of whom had availed themselves of that opportunity to prac- tice the lessons they had learned in the confessional. The priest had been removed to a higher position, THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 115 where he, more than ever, enjoyed the confidence of his superiors, the respect of the people, and the love of his female penitents. I never felt so embarrassed in my life as when at the table of that so cruelly victimised man. We had hardly begun to take our dinner when he asked me if I had known their late pastor, the amiable Rev. Mr. . I answered, u Yes, sir, I know him." " Is he not a most accomplished priest?" " Yes, sir, he is a most accomplished man," I answered. " Why is it," rejoined the good merchant, " that the Bishop has taken him away from us ? He was doing so well here ; he had so deservedly earned the confidence of all by his piety and gentlemanly manners that we made every effort to keep him with us. I drew up a petition myself, which all the people signed, to induce the Bishop to allow him to remain in our midst ; but in vain. His lordship answered us that he wanted him for a more important place, on account of his rare ability, and we had to submit. His zeal and devotedness knew no bounds ; in the darkest and most stormy nights he was always ready to come to the first call of the sick ; I shall never forget how quickly and cheer- fully he responded to my appeal when, a few years 116 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. ago, I went, on one of our most chilly nights, to re- quest him to visit my wife, who was very sick." At this stage of the conversation, I must confess that I nearly laughed outright. The gratitude of that poor dupe of the confessional to the priest who had come to bring shame and destruction to his house, and the idea of that very man going himself to convey to his home the corruptor of his own wife, seemed to me so ludicrous that for a moment, I had to make a superhuman effort to control myself. But I was soon brought to my better senses by the shame which I felt at the idea of the unspeak- able degradation and secret infamy of the clergy of which I was a member. At that instant, hundreds of instances of similar, if not greater, depravity, which had been revealed to me through the con- fessional, came to my mind, and distressed and dis- gusted me so that my tongue was almost paralysed. After dinner, the merchant asked his lady to call the children that I might see them, and I could not but admire their beauty. But I do not need to say that the pleasure of seeing these dear and lovely little ones was much marred by the secret, though sure, knowledge I had, that the three youngest were the fruits of the unspeakable depravity of auricular confession in the higher ranks of society. CHAPTER VI. AURICULAR CONFESSION DESTROYS ALL THE SACRED TIES OF MARRIAGE AND HUMAN SOCIETY. WOULD the banker allow his priest to open, when alone, the safe of his bank, manipulate and examine his papers, and pry into the most se- cret details of his banking business ? No ! surely not. How is it then, that the same banker allows that priest to open the heart of his wife, manipulate her soul, and pry into the sacred chambers of her most intimate and secret thoughts? Are not the heart, the soul, the purity, and the self-respect of his wife as great and precious treas- ures as the safe of his bank ! Are not the risks and dangers of temptations, imprudences, indis- cretions, much greater and more irreparable in the second, than in the first case ? Would the jeweler or goldsmith allow his priest to come, when he pleases, and handle the rich .articles of his stores, ransack the desk where 118 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. the money is deposited, and play with it as he pleases ? No ! surely not. But are not the heart, the soul, and the purity of his dear wife and daughter a thousandfold more valuable than his precious stones, or silver and gold wares ? Are not the dangers of temptation and indiscretions, on the part of the priest, more formidable and irresistible in the second, than in the first of these cases ? Would the livery man allow his priest to take his most valuable and unmanageable horses, when he wishes, and drive alone, without any other con- sideration and security than the discretion of his priest ? No ! surely not. That livery man knows that he would soon be ruined if he were to do so. Whatever may be his- confidence in the discretion, honesty, and prudence of his priest, he will never push his confidence so* far as to give him the unreserved control of the noble and fiery animals which are the glory of his stables and the support of his family. How then, can the same man trust the entire,, absolute management of his wife and dear daugh- ters to the control of that one, to whom he would not entrust his horses ? THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 119" Are not his wife and daughters as precious to him as those horses ? Is there not greater danger of indiscretions, mismanagement, irreparable and fatal errors on the part of the priest, dealing alone with his wife and daughters, than when driving horses ? No human act of folly, moral depravity, and want of common sense can equal the permis- sion given by a man to his wife to go and confess to the priest. That day, he abdicates the loyal — I had almost said divine — dignity of husband ; for it is from God that he holds it ; his cown is forever lost, his sceptre broken ! What would you do to any one mean enough to peep or listen through the key-hole of your door in order to hear or see anything that was said or done within ? Would you show so little self-respect as to tolerate such indiscretion ? Would you not rather take a whip or a cane, and drive away the villain ? Would you not even expose your life to free yourself from his impudent curiosity ? But what is the confessional if not the key-hole of your house and of your very chamber, through which the priest can hear and see your most secret words and actions ; nay, more, know your most intimate thoughts and aspirations. >re you worthy of the name of men when you 120 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. submit yourselves to such sly and insulting inquisi- tion? Do you deserve the name of men, who con- sent to put up with such ignoble affront and humil- iation ? "The husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the Head of the Church." " Therefore, as the Church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything " — {Eph. v). If these solemn words are the true oracles of divine wisdom, is not the husband di- vinely appointed the only adviser, counsellor, help of his wife, just as Christ is the only adviser, coun- sellor, and help of His Church ? If the Apostle was not an impostor when he said that the wife, is to her husband what the body is to the head, and that the husband is to his wife what the head is to the body — is not the husband ap- pointed by God to be the light, the guide, of his wife ? Is it not his duty, as well as his privilege and glory, to console her in her afflictions, strength- en her in her hours of weakness, keep her up when she is in danger of fainting, and encourage her when she is on the rough and uphill ways of life ? If Christ has not come to deceive the world through his Apostle, must not the wife go to her husband for advice ? Ought she not to expect from him, and him alone, after God, the light she wants THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 121 and the consolation she is in need of ? Is it not to her husband, and to him alone, after God, she ought to look to in her days of trial for help ? Is it not under his leadership alone she must fight the battle of life and conquer ? Is not this mutual and daily sharing of the anzieties of life, this constant shouldering on the battle-field, and this reciprocal and mutual protection and help renewed at every hour of the day, which form, under the eyes and by the mercy of God, the holiest and the purest -charms of the married life? Is it not that unre- served confidence in each other which binds togeth- er those golden links of Christian love that make them happy in the very midst of the trials of life? Is it not through this mutual confidence alone that they are one as God wants them to be one f Is it not in this unity of thoughts, fears and hopes, joys and love, which come from God, that they can cheerfully cross the thorny valley, and safely reach the Promised land \ The Gospel says that the husband is to his wife what Christ is to His Church ! Is it not, then, a most sacrilegious iniquity for a wife to look to another rather than to her own husband for such advice, wisdom, strength, and life, as he is entitled, qualified, and ready to afford \ As no other man has the right to her love, so no other man has any 122 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. right to her absolute confidence. As she becomes an adulteress the day that she gives her body to another man, is she any the less an adulteress the day that she gives her confidence and trusts her soul to a stranger? The adultery of the heart and soul is not less criminal than the adultery of the oody ; and every time the wife goes to the feet of the priest to confess, does she not become guilty of that iniquity ? In the Church of Rome, through the confes- sional, the priest is much more the husband of the wife than the man to whom she was wedded at the foot of the altar. The priest has the best part of the wife. He has the marrow, when the husband has the bones. He has the juice of the orange, the husband has the rind. He has the soul and the heart, the husband has the skeleton. He has the honey, the husband has the wax cell. He has the succulent oyster, the husband has the dry shell. As much as the soul is higher than the body, so- much are the power and privileges of the priest higher than the power and privileges of the hus- band in the mind of the penitent wife. As the husband is the lord of the body which he feeds, so the priest is the lord of the soul and the heart, which he also feeds. • The wife, thoji, has two lords and masters, whom she must love, respect and THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 12£ obey. Will she not give the best part of her love, respect, and submission to the one who, in her mind, is as much above the other as the heavens are above the earth I But as she cannot serve two masters together, will not the master who prepares and fits her for an eternal life of glory, certainly be the object of her constant, real, and most ardent love, gratitude, and respect, when the worldly and sinful man to whom she is married, will have only the appearance and the crumbs of those senti- ments ? Will she not naturally, instinctively serve, love, respect, and obey, as lord and master, the godly man, whose yoke is so light, so holy, so di- vine, rather than the carnal man, whose human imperfections are to her a source of daily trial and suffering ? In the Church of Rome, the thoughts and de- sires, the secret joys and fears of the soul, the very life of the wife, are sealed things to the husband. He has no right to look into the sanctuary of her heart ; he has no remedy to apply to the soul ; he has no mission from God to advise her in the dark hours of her anxieties ; lie has no balm to apply to the bleeding wounds, so often received in the daily battles of life ; he must remain a perfect stranger in his own house. The wife, expecting nothing from her husband, 124 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. lias no revelation to make to hitn, no favor to ask, no debt of gratitude to pay. Nay, she shuts all the avenues of her soul, all the doors and windows of her heart, against her husband. The priest, and the priest alone, has a right to her entire con- fidence ; to him, and him alone, she will go and reveal all her secrets, show all her wounds ; to him, and him alone, she will turn her mind, her heart and soul, in the hour of trouble and anxiety ; from him, and him, alone, she will ask and expect the light and consolation she wants. Every day, more and more, her husband will become a stranger to her, if he does not become a real nuisance, and an obstacle to her happiness and peace. Yes, through the confessional, an unfathomable abyss has been dug by the Church of Rome, be- tween the heart of the wife and the heart of the husband. Their bodies may be very near each other, but their souls, their real affections and their confidence are at greater distance than the north is from the south pole of the earth. The confessor is the master, the ruler, the king of the soul ; the husband, as the graveyard-keeper, must be satisfied with the carcass ! The husband has the permission to look on the outside of the palace ; he is allowed to rest his head ■on the cold marble of the outdoor steps ; but the THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 125 confessor triumphantly walks into the mysterious- starry rooms, examines at leisure their numberless and unspeakable wonders ; and, alone, he is allowed to rest his head on the soft pillows of the un- bounded confidence, respect, and love of the wife. In the Church of Rome, if the husband ask a favor from his wife, nine times in ten she will in- quire from her father confessor whether or not she can grant him his request ; and the poor husband will have to wait patiently for the permission of the master, or the rebuke of the lord, according to the answer of the oracle which had to be consulted ! If he gets impatient under the yoke, and murmurs, the wife will, soon, go to the feet of her confessor, to tell him how she has the misfortune to be united to a most unreasonable man, and how she has to suffer from him ! She reveals to her ' ' dear father ' ' how she is unhappy under such a yoke, and how her life would be an insupportable burden, had she not the privilege and happiness of coming often to his feet, to lay down her sorrows, hear his sympa- thetic words, and get his so affectionate and pater- nal advice ! She tells him, with tears of gratitude, that it is only when by his side, and at his feet, she finds rest to her weary soul, balm to her bleed- ing heart, and peace to her troubled conscience. When she comes from the confessional, her ears 126 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. are long filled as with a heavenly music : the hon- ied words of her confessor ring for many days in her heart : she feels it lonesome to be separated from him : his image is constantly before her mind, and the souvenir of his amiabilities is one of her most pleasant thoughts. There is nothing which she likes so much as to speak of his good qualities, his patience, his piety, his charity ; she longs for the day when she will again go to confess and pass a few hours by the side of that angelic man, in opening to him all the secrets of her heart, and in revealing all her ennuis. She tells him how she regrets that she cannot come oftener to see him, and receive the benefits of his charitable counsels ; she does not even conceal from him how often, in her dreams, she feels too happy to be with him ! More and more every day the gap between her and her husband widens. More and more each day she regrets that she has not the happiness to be the wife of such a holy man as her confessor ! Oh ! if it were possible ! But then, she blushes or smiles, and sings a song. Then again, I ask, Who is the true lord, ruler, and master in that house? For whom does that heart beat and live ? Thus it is that that stupendous imposture, the 'dogma of auricular confession, does completely THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 127 destroy all the links, the joys, the responsibilities, and divine privileges of the married life, and trans- forms it into a life of perpetual, though disguised, adultery. It becomes utterly impossible, in the Church of Rome, that the husband should be one with his wife, and that the wife should be one with her husband : a " monstrous being'' has been put between them both, called the confessor. Born in the darkest ages of the world, that being has received from hell his mission to destroy and contaminate the purest joys of the married life, to enslave the wife, to outrage the husband, and to damn the world ! The more auricular confession is practiced, the more the laws of public and private morality are trampled under foot. The husband wants his wife to be his — he does not, and could not, consent to share his authority over her with anybody : he wants to be the only man who will have her confi- dence and her heart, as well as her respect and love. And so, the very moment that he anticipates the dark shadow of the confessor coming between him and the woman of his choice, he prefers to shrink from entering into the sacred bond ; the holy joys of home and family lose their divine attractions ; he prefers the cold life of an ignominious celibacy to the humiliation and opprobium of the question- able privileges of an uncertain paternity. 128 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. France, Spain, and many other Roman Catholic countries, thus witness the multitude of those bach- elors increasing every year. The number of fam- ilies and births, in consequence, is fast decreasing in their midst ; and, if God does not perform a miracle to stop these nations in their downward course, it is easy to calculate the day when they will owe their existence to the tolerance and pity of the mighty Protestant nations which surround them. Why is it that the Irish Roman Catholic people are so irreparably degraded and clothed in rags? Why is it that that people, whom God has endowed with so many noble qualities, seem to be so de- prived of intelligence and self-respect that they glory in their own shame ? Why is it that their land has been for centuries the land of bloody riots and cowardly murders ? The principal cause is the enslaving of the Irish women, by means of the confessional. Every one knows that the spiritual slavery and degradation of the Irish woman has no bounds. After she has been enslaved and degraded, she, in turn, has enslaved and degraded her hus- band and her sons. Ireland will be an object of pity ; she will be poor, miserable, riotous, blood- thirsty, degraded, so long as she rejects Christ, to- be ruled by the father confessor, planted in every parish by the Pope. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL 129 Who lias not been amazed and saddened Vy the downfall of France? How is it that her once so mighty armies have melted away, that Ler brave sons have so easily been conquered and disarmed ? How is it that France, fallen powerless at the feet of her enemies, has frightened the wo/ld by the spectacle of the incredible, bloody, and savage fol- lies of the Commune ? Do not look for the causes of the downfall, humiliation, and untold miseries of France anywhere else than in the confessional. For centuries has not that great country obstinately rejected Christ ? Has she not slaughtered or sent into extfe her noblest children, who wanted to follow the Gospel ? Has she not given her fair daughters into the hands of the confessors, who have defiled and degraded them? How could woman, in France, teach her husband and sons to love liberty, and die for it, when she was herself a miserable, an abject slave ? How could she form her husband and sons to the manly virtues of heroes, when her own mind was defiled and her heart corrupted by the priest ? The French woman had unconditionally surren- dered the noble and fair citadel of her heart, intel- ligence, and womanly self-respect into the hands of her confessor long before her sons surrendered their swords to the Germans at Sedan and Paris. 130 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. The first unconditional surrender had brought the second. The complete moral destruction of woman by the confessor in France has been a long work. It has required centuries to bow down, break, and en- slave the noble daughters of France. Yes ; but those who know France, know that that destruction is now as complete as it is deplorable. The down- fall of woman in France, and her supreme degrada- tion through the confessional, is now un fait accompli, which nobody can deny ; the highest intellects have seen and confessed it. One of the most profound thinkers of that unfortunate country, Michelet, has depicted that supreme and irretriev- able degradation in a most eloquent book, " The Priest, The Woman, The Family ;" and not a voice has been raised to deny or refute what he has said. Those who have any knowledge of history and philosophy know very well that the moral degrada- tion of the woman is soon followed everywhere by the moral degradation of the nation, and the moral degradation of the nation is very soon followed by ruin and overthrow. The French nation had been formed by God to ^e a race of giants. They were chivalrous and brave ; they had bright intelligences, stout hearts, strong arms and a mighty sword. But as the hard- THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 131 est granite rock yields and breaks under the drop of water which incessantly falls upon it, so that great nation had to break and to fall into pieces under, not the drop, but the rivers of impure waters which, for centuries, have incessantly flowed in upon it from the pestilential fountain of the confes- sional. % " Kighteousness exalteth a nation, but sin vs a reproach to any people." (Proverbs xiv.) In the sudden changes and revolutions of these latter days, France is also sharing ; and the Church of Kome has received a blow there, which, though perhaps only temporary in its character, will help to awaken the people to the corruption and fraud of the priesthood. Why is it that Spain is so miserable, so weak, so poor, so foolishly and cruelly tearing her own bosom, and reddening her fair valleys with the blood of her own children ? The principal, if not the only, cause of the downfall of that great nation is the confessional. There, also, the confessor has defiled, degraded, enslaved women, and women in turn have defiled and degraded their husbands and sons. Women have sown broadcast over their country the seeds of that slavery, of that want of Christian honesty, justice, and self-respect with which they had themselves been first imbued in the confessional. 132 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. But when you see, without a single exception, the nations whose women drink the impure and poisonous waters, which flow from the confessional, sinking down so rapidly, do you not wonder how fast the neighboring nations, who have destroyed those dens of impurity, prostitution, and abject slavery, are rising up ? What a marvellous con- trast is before our eyes ? On one side, the nations who allow the women to be degraded and enslaved at the feet of her confessor — France, Spain, Romish Ireland, Mexico, &c, &c. — are, there, fallen into the dust, bleeding, struggling, powerless, like the sparrow whose entrails are devoured by the vulture. On the other side, see how the nations whose women go to wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, are soaring up, as on eagle wings, in the highest regions of progress, peace, and liberty ! If legislators could once understand the respect and protection they owe to women, they would soon, by stringent laws, prohibit auricular confes- sion as contrary to good mopals and the welfare of society ; for, though the advocates of auricular con- fession have succeeded, to a certain extent, in blinding the public, and in concealing the abomi- nations of the system under a lying mantle of holi- ness and religion, it is nothing else than a school of impurity. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 135 1 say more than that. After twenty-five years of hearing the confessions of the common people and of the highest classes of society, of the laymen and the priests, of the grand vicars and bishops and the nuns ; I conscientiously say before the world, that the immorality of the confessional is of a more dangerous and degrading nature than that which we attribute to the social evil of our great cities. The injury caused to the intelligence and to the soul in the confessional, as a general rule, is of a more dangerous nature and more irremediable, because it is neither suspected nor understood by its victims. The unfortunate woman who lives an immoral life knows her profound misery ; she often blushes and weeps over her degradation ; she hears, from every side, voices which call her out of those ways of perdition. Almost at every hour of day and night, .the cry of her conscience warns her against the desolation and suffering of an eternity passed far away from the regions of holiness, light, and life. All those things are often so many means of grace, in the hands of our merciful God, to awaken the mind, and to save the guilty soul. But in the confessional the poison is administered under the name of a pure and refreshing water ; the deadly blow is inflicted by a sword so well oiled that the 134 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. wound is not felt ; the vilest and most impure notions and thoughts, in the form of questions and answers, are presented and accepted as the bread of life ! All the notions of modesty, purity, and womanly self-respect and delicacy, are set aside and forgotten to propitiate the god of Rome. In the confessional the woman is told, and she be- lieves, that there is no sin for her in hearing things which would make the vilest blush — no sin to say things which would make the most desperate villain. on the streets of London to stagger — no sin to con- verse with her confessor on matters so filthy that, if attempted in civil life, would forever exclude the perpetrator from the society of the virtuous. Yes, the soul and the intelligence defiled and destroyed in the confessional are often hopelessly defiled and destroyed. They are sinking into a complete, an irretrievable perdition ; for, not know- ing the guilt, they will not cry for mercy — not sus- pecting the fatal disease that is being fostered, they- will not call for the true Physician. It was, evi- dently, when thinking of the unspeakable ruin of the souls of men through the wickedness cul- minating in the Pope's confessors, that the Son of God said: — " If the blind lead the blind,, both shall fall into the ditch. " To every woman,, with very few exceptions, coming out from the feet THE PKIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 135 of her confessor, the children of light may say : — "I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, but thou art dead — (Revelations iii.). Nobody has yet been, nor ever will be able to answer the few following lines, which I addressed some years ago to the Rev. Mr. Bruyere, Roman Catholic Vicar-General of London, Canada : — " With a blush on my face, and regret in my heart, I confess, before God and man, that I have been like you, and with you, through the confes- sional, plunged for twenty-five years in that bot- tomless sea of iniquity, in which the blind priests of Rome have to swim day and night. " I had to learn by heart, like you, the infamous questions which the Church of Rome forces every priest to learn. I had to put those impure, im- moral questions to old and young females, who were confessing their sins to me. These questions — you know it — are of such a nature that no prosti- tute would dare to put them to another. Those questions, and the answers they elicit, are so debas- ing that no man in London — you know it — except a priest of Rome, is sufficiently lost to every sense of shame, as to put them to any woman. " Yes, I was bound, in conscience, as you are bound to-day, to put into the ears, the mind, the imagination, the memory, the heart and soul of 136 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. females, questions of such a nature, the direct and immediate tendency of which — you know it well — is to till the minds and the hearts of both priests and female penitents with thoughts, phantoms, and temptations of such a degrading nature, that I do not know any words adequate to express them. Pagan antiquity has never seen any institution more polluting than the confessional. I know nothing more corrupting than the law which forces a female to tell her thoughts, desires, and most secret feel- ings and actions to an unmarried priest. The con- fessional is a school of perdition. You may deny that before the Protestants ; but you cannot deny it before me. My dear Mr. Bruyere, if you call me a degraded man, because I have liVed twenty- five years in the atmosphere of the confessional, you are right. I was a degraded man, just as your- self and all the priests are to-day, in spite of your denegations. If you call me a degraded man be- cause my soul, my mind, and my heart were, as your own are to-day, plunged into the deep waters of iniquity which flow from the confessional, I confess, J Guilty ! ' I was degraded and polluted by the confessional, just as you and all the priests of Rome are. u It has required the whole bb,od of the great Victim, who died on Calvary for sinners, to purify THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 137 me ; and I pray that, through the same blood, you may be purified also.*' If the legislators knew the respect and protection they owe to women — I repeat it — they would, by the most stringent laws, prohibit auricular confes- sion as a crime against society. Xot long ago, a printer in England was sent to jail and severely punished for having published in English the questions put by the priest to the wom- en in the confessional ; and the sentence was equit- able, for all who will read those questions will conclude that no girl or woman who brings her mind into contact with the contents of that book can escape from moral death. But what are the priests of Rome doing in the confessional ? Do they not pass the greatest part of their time in questioning females, old and young, and hearing their answers, on those very matters? If it were a crime, punishable by law, to present those ques- tions in a book, is it not a crime far more punishable by law to present those very things to married and unmarried women through the auricular confession? I ask it from every man of common sense. AVhat is the difference between a woman or a girl learn- ing those things in a book, or learning them from the lips of a man ? Will not those impure, demor- alizing suggestions sink more deeply into their 138 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. minds, and impress themselves more forcibly in their memory, when told to them by a man of au- thority speaking in the name of Almighty God, than when read in a book which has no authority ? I say to the legislators of Europe and America, "Head for yourselves those horrible, unmention- able things ;" and remember that the Pope has more than 100,000 priests whose principal work is to put those very things into the intelligence and memory of the women whom they entrap into their snares. Let us suppose that each priest hears the confessions of only live female penitents every day (though we know that the daily average is ten) : it gives the awful number of 500,000 women whom the priests of Eome have the legal right to pollute and destroy each day of the year ! Legislators of the so-called Christian and civil- ized nations ! I ask it again from you, Where is your consistency, your justice, your love of public morality, when you punish so severely the man wTho has printed the questions put to the woman in the confessional, while you honor and let free, and often pay the men whose public and private life is spent in spreading the very same moral poison in a much more efficacious, scandalous, and shameful way, under the mask of religion ! The confessional is in the hands of the devil,. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 13£ what West Point is to the United States, and Wool- wich is to great Britain, a training of the army to fight and conquer the enemy. It is in the confes- sional that 500,000 women every day, and 182,- 000,000 every year, are trained by the Pope in the art of fighting against God, by destroying them- selves and the whole world, through every imagin- able kind of impurity and filthiness. Once more, I request the legislators, the hus- bands, and the fathers in Europe, as well as in America and Australia, to read in Dens, Liguori, Debreyne, in every theological book of Home, what their wives and their daughters have to learn in the confessional. In order to screen themselves, the priests of Rome have recourse to the following miserable sub- terfuge : — " Is not the physician forced," they say, "to perforin certain delicate operations on women I Do you complain of this ? No ! you let the phy- sician alone ; you do not abuse them in their ardu- ous and conscientious duties. Why, then, should you insult the physician of the soul, the confessor, in the accomplishment of his holy, though delicate duties?" I answer, first, The art and science of the physi- cian are approved and praised in many parts of the (Scriptures. But the art and science of the confcs- 140 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. sor are nowhere to be found in the holy records. Auricular confession is nothing else than a most stupendous imposture. The filthy and impure questions of the confessor, with the polluting an- swers they elicit, were put among the most diabol- ical and forbidden actions by God Himself, the day that the Spirit of Truth, Holiness, and Life wrote the imperishable words — "Let no corrupt commu- nication proceed out of your mouth." (Eph. iv. 29.) Secondly, The physician is not bound by a sol- emn oath to remain ignorant of the things which it will be his duty to examine and cure. But the priest of Rome is bound, by the most ridiculous and impious oath of celibacy, to remain ignorant of the very things which are the daily objects of his in- quiries, observation, and thoughts ! The priest of Rome has sworn never to taste of the fruits with wThich he feeds his imagination, his memory, his heart, and his soul day and night ! The physician is honest in the performance of his duties ; but the priest of Rome becomes, in fact, a perjured man, every time he enters the confessional-box. Thirdly, If a lady has a little sore on her small finger, and is obliged to go to the physician for a remedy, she has only to show her little finger, allow the plaster or ointment to be applied, and all is finished. The physician never — no never — says to THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. lil that lady, "It is my duty to suspect that you have many other parts of your body which are sick; I am bound in conscience, under pain of death, to examine you from head to foot, in order to save your precious life from those secret diseases, which may kill you if they are not cured just now. Sev- eral of those diseases are of such a nature that you never dared perhaps to examine them with the attention they deserve, and you are hardly conscious of them. I know, madam, that this is a very pain- ful and delicate thing for both you and me, that I should be forced to make that thorough examina- tion of your person ; however, there is no help ; I am in duty bound to do it. But you have nothing te fear. I am a holy man, who have made a vow of celibacy. We are alone ; neither your husband nor your father will ever know the secret infirmities I may find in you : they will never even suspect the perfect investigation I will make, and they will, forever, be ignorant of the remedy I will apply." Has any physician ever been authorized to speak or act in this way with any of his female patients I No, — never ! never ! But this is just the way the spiritual .physician,. by whom the devil enslaves and corrupts women, acts. When the fair, honest, and timid spiritual patient has come to her confessor, to show him the 142 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. little sore she has on the small finger of Tier soul, the confessor is hound in conscience to suspect that she has other sores — secret, shameful sores ! Yes, he is bound, nine times out of ten ; and he is always allowed to suppose that she does not dare to reveal them ! Then he is advised by the Church to induce her to let him search every corner of the heart, and of the soul, and to inquire about all kinds of contaminations, impurities, secret, shame- ful, and unspeakable matters ! The young priest is drilled in the diabolical art of going into the most sacred recesses of the soul and the heart, almost in spite of his penitents. I could bring hundreds of theologians as witnesses to the truth of what I here say : but it is enough just now to cite three: — " Lest the confessor should indolently hesitate in tracing out the circumstances of any sin, let him have the following versicle of circumstances in read- iness : " Quis, quid, ubi, quibus auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando. Who, which, where, with whom, why, how, when." (Dens, vol. 6, p. 123. Liguori, vol. 2, p. 464.) The celebrated book of the Priests, " The Mir- ror of the Clergy," page 357, says: M Oportet ut Confessor solet cognoscere quid quid THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 143 debet judicare. Deligens igitur inquisitor et sub- tillls investigator sapienter, quasi astute, interrogat a peccatore quod ignorat, vel verecundia volit oc- cultare." " It is necessary that the confessor should know everything on which he has to exercise his judg- ment. Let him then, with wisdom and subtility, interrogate the sinners on the sins which they may ignore, or conceal through shame !" The poor unprotected girl is, thus, thrown into the power of the priest, soul and body, to be ex- amined on all the sins she may ignore, or which, through shame, she may conceal ! On what a boundless sea of depravity the poor fragile bark is launched by the priest ! On what bottomless abysses of impurities she will have to pass and travel, in company with the priest alone, before he will have interrogated her on all the. sins she may ignore, or which she may have concealed through shame ! ! Who can tell the sentiments of surprise, shame, and distress, of a timid, honest, young girl, when, for the first time, she is initiated, through those questions, to infamies which are ignored even in houses of prostitution ! ! ! But such is the practice, the sacred duty of the spiritual physician. "Let him (the priest confes- sor), with wisdom and subtlety, interrogate the 144 sinners on the sins they may Ignore or conceal through shame." And there are more than 100,000 men, not only allowed, but petted, and often paid by so-called Protestant, Christian, and civilised governments to do that under the name of the God of the Gospel ! . Fourthly, I answer to the sophism of the priest : When the physician has any delicate and danger- ous operation to perform on a female patient, he is never alone ; the husband, or the father, the moth- er, the sister, or some friends of the patient are there, whose scrutinising eyes and attentive ears make it impossible for the physician to say or do any improper thing. But when the poor, deluded spiritual patient comes to be treated by her so-called spiritual physi- cian, and shows him her disease, is she not alone — shamefully alone — with him ? Where are the pro- tecting ears of the husband, the father, the mother, the sisters, or the friends 1 Where is the barrier interposed between this sinful, weak, tempted, and often depraved man and his victim ? Would the priest so freely ask this and that from a married woman, if he knew that her husband could hear him ? No, surely not ! for he is well aware that the enraged husband would blow out the brains of the villian who, under the sacrilegious THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 145 pretext of purifying the soul of his wife, is filling her breast with every kind of pollution and infamy. Fifthly, When the physician performs a delicate operation on one of his female patients, the oper- ation is usually accompanied with pain, cries, and often with bloodshed. The sympathetic and hon- est physician suffers almost as much pain as his pa- tient; those cries, acute pains, tortures, and bleed- ing wounds make it morally impossible that the physician should be tempted to any improper thing. But the sight of the spiritual wounds of that fair penitent! Is the poor depraved human heart really sorry to see and examine them? Oh, no! it is just the contrary. The dear Saviour weeps over those wounds; the angels are distressed at the sight. Yes ! But the deceitful and corrupt heart of man! is it not rather apt to be pleased at the sight of wounds which are so much like the ones he has himself so often been pleased to receive from the hand of the enemy? Was the heart of David pained and horror-struck at the sight of the fair Bathsheba, when, impru- dently, and too freely, exposed in her bath? Was not that holy prophet smitten, and brought down to the dust, by that guilty look? Was not the mighty giant, Samson, undone by the charms of Delilah? Was not the wise Solomon ensnared and 146 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. befooled in the midst of the women by whom he was surrounded? Who will believe that the bachelors of the Pope are made of stronger metal than the Davids, the Samsons and the Solomons? Where is the man who has so completely lost his common sense as to believe that the priests of Rome are stronger than Samson, holier than David, wiser than Solomon? Who will believe that confessors will stand up on their feet amidst the storms which prostrate in the dust those giants of the armies of the Lord? To suppose that, in the generality of cases, the confes- sor can resist the temptations by which he is daily surrounded in the confessional, that he will con- stantly refuse the golden opportunities, which offer themselves to him, to satisfy the almost irresistible propensities of his fallen human nature, is neither wisdom nor charity; it is simply folly. I do not say that all the confessors and their fe- male penitents fall into the same degree of abject degradation; thanks be to God, I have known sev- eral, who nobly fought their battles, and conquered €ii that field of so many shameful defeats. But these are the exceptions. It is just as when the iire has ravaged one of our grand forests of Amer- ica— how sad it is to see the numberless noble trees fallen under the devouring element ! But, here THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 147 -and there, the traveler is not a little amazed and pleased, to find some which have proudly stood the fiery trial, without being consumed. Was not the world at large struck with terror, when they heard of the fire which, a few years ago, reduced the great city of Chicago to ashes! But those who have visited that doomed city, and seen the desolating ruins of her 16,000 houses, had to stand in silent admiration before a few, which, in the very midst of an ocean of fire, had escaped un- touched by the destructive element. It is a fact, that owing to a most marvelous pro- tection of God, some privileged souls, here and there, do escape the fatal destruction which over- takes so many others in the confessional. The confessional is like the spider's web. How many too unsuspecting Hies find death, when seek- ing rest on the beautiful framework of their deceit- ful enemy! How few escape! and this only after a most desperate struggle. See how the perfidious spider looks harmless in his retired, dark corner; how motionless he is; how patiently he waits for his opportunity! But look how quickly he sur- rounds his victim with his silky, delicate, and im- perceptible links! how mercilessly he sucks ' its blood and destroys its life ! What remains of the imprudent fly, after she has 148 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. been entrapped into the nets of her foe? Nothing but a skeleton. So it is with your fair wife, your precious daughter; nine times out of ten, nothing; but a moral skeleton returns to you, after the Pope's black spider has been allowed to suck the very blood of her heart and soul. Let those who would be tempted to think that I exaggerate, read the following extracts from the memoirs of the Vener- able Scipio de Ricci, Roman Catholic Bishop of Pistoia and Prato, in Italy. They were published by the Roman Catholic Italian Government, to show to the world that some measures had to be taken, by the civil and ecclesiastical authorities, to prevent the nation from being entirely swept away by the deluge of corruption flowing from the con- fessional, even among the most perfect of Rome's followers, the monks and the nuns. The priests have never dared to deny a single iota of these ter- rible revelations. On page 115 we read the follow* ing letter from sister Flavia Peraccini, Prioress of St. Catharine, to Dr. Thomas Camparina, Rector of the Episcopal Seminary of Pistoia: — " In compliance with the request which you made me this day, I hasten to say something, but I kno\V not how. " Of those who have gone out of the world, I shall say nothing. Of those who are still alive and have THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 149 very little decency of conduct, there are many, among whom there is an ex-provincial named Father Dr. Ballendi, Calvi, Zoratti, Bigliaci, Guidi, Miglieti, Verde, Rianchi, Ducci, Seraphini, Bolla, Nera di Luca, Quaretti, &c. But wherefore any more? With the exception of three or four, all those whom I have ever known, alive or dead, are of the same character; they have all the same maxims and the same conduct. " They are on more intimate terms with the nuns than if they were married to them! I repeat it, it would require a great deal of time to tell half of what I know. It is the custom now, when they come to visit and hear the confession of a sick sister, to sup with the nuns, sing, dance, play, and sleep in the convent. It is a maxim of theirs that God has forbidden hatred, but not love; and that man is made for woman and woman for man. " I say that they can deceive the innocent and the most prudent and circumspect, and that it would be a miracle to converse with them and not fall!'' Page 117. — "The priests are the husbands of the nuns, and the lay brothers of the lay sisters. In the chamber of one of the nuns I have men- tioned, a man was one day found; he fled away* but, soon after, they gave him to us as our confes- sor extraordinary. 150 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. "How many bishops are there in the Pa^al States who have come to the knowledge of those disorders, have held examinations and visitations, and yet never could remedy it, because the monks,, our confessors, tell us that those are excommuni- cated who reveal what passes in the Order! " Poor creatures ! they think they are leaving the world to escape dangers, and they only meet with greater ones. Our fathers and mothers have given us a good education, and here we have to unlearn and forget what they have taught us." Page 188. — " Do not suppose Jhat this is the case in our convent alone. It is just the same at St. Lucia, Prato, Pisa, Perugia, &c. I have known, things that would astonish you. Everywhere it is the same. Yes, everywhere the same disorders,, the same abuses prevail. I say, and I repeat it, let the superiors suspect as they may, they do not know the smallest pai;t of the enormous wicked- ness that goes on between the monks and the nuns whom they confess. Every monk who passed by on his way to the chapter, entreated a sick sister to confess to him, and !" Page 119. — "With respect to Father Buzachini, I say that he acted just as the others, sitting up late in the nunnery, diverting himself, and letting the usual disorders go on. There were several] THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 151 nuns who had love affairs on his account. His own principal mistress was Odaldi, of St. Lucia, who used to send him continual treats. He was also in love with the daughter of our factor, ot whom they were very jealous here. He ruined also poor Caneellieri, who was sextoness. The monks are all alike with their penitents. " Some years ago, the nuns of St. Vincent, in consequence of the extraordinary passion they had. for their father confessors Lupi and Borghini, were divided into two parties, one calling themselves Le Lupe, the other Le Borghiani. " He who made the greatest noise was Donati- I believe he is now at Rome. Father Brandi, too,, was also in great vogue. I think he is now Prior of St. Gemignani. At St. Vincent, which passes for a very holy retreat, they have also their lov- ers ." My pen refuses to reproduce several things which, the nuns of Italy have published against their father confessors. But this is enough to show to the most incredulous that the confession is noth- ing else but a school of perdition, even among those who make a profession to live in the highest regions of Roman Catholic holiness— the monks and the nuns. Now, from Italy let us go to America and see 152 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. again the working of auricular confession, not be- tween the holy ( ?) nuns and monks of Rome, but among the humblest classes of country women and priests. Great is the number of parishes where women have been destroyed by their confessors, but I will speak only of one. When curate of Beauport, I was called by the Bev. Mr. Proulx, curate of St. Antoine, to preach a retreat (a revival) with the Rev. Mr. Aubry, to his parishioners, and eight or ten other priests were also invited to come and help us to hear the con- fessions. The very first day, after preaching and passing five or six hours in the confessional, the hospitable curate gave us a supper before going to bed. But it was evident that a kind of uneasiness pervaded the whole company of the father confessors. For my own part I could hardly raise my eyes to look at my neighbor; and, when I wanted to speak a word, it seemed that my tongue was not free as usual; even my throat was as if it were choked: the articulation of the sounds was imperfect. It was evidently the same with the rest of the priests. Instead, then, of the noisy and cheerful conversa- tions of the other meals, there were only a few in- significant words exchanged with a half-suppressed tone. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 153 The Rev. Mr. Proulx (the curate) at first looked as if he also were partaking of that singular, though general, despondent feeling. During the first part of the lunch he hardly said a word; but, at last, raising his head, and turning his honest face towards us, in his usual gentlemanly, and cheerful manner, he said: — "Dear friends, I see that you are all under the influence of the most painful feelings. There is a burden on you that you can neither shake off nor bear as you wish. I know the cause of your trouble, and I hope you will not find fault with me, if I help you to recover from that disagreeable mental condition. You have heard, in the confessional, the history of many great sins; but I know that this is not what troubles you. You are all old enough in the confessional to know the miseries of poor human nature. Without any more prelimi- naries, I will come to the subject. It is no more a secret in this place, that one of the priests who has preceded me, has been very unfortunate, weak, and guilty with the greatest part of the married women whom he has confessed. Not more than one in ten has escaped him. I would not mention this fact had I got it only from the confessional, but I know it well from other sources, and I can speak of it freely, without breaking the secret seal of the con- 154 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. fessional. Now, what troubles you is that, proba- bly, when a great number of those women have confessed to you what they had done with their confessor, you have not asked them how long it was since they had sinned with him, and in spite of yourselves, you think that I am the guilty man. This does, naturally, embarrass you, when you are in my presence, and at my table. But please ask them, when they come again to confess, how many months or years have passed away since their last love affair with a confessor; and you will see that you may suppose that you are in the house of an honest man. You may look me in the face, and have no fears to address me as if I were still worthy of your esteem; for, thanks be to God, I am not the guilty priest who has ruined and destroyed so many souls here." The curate had hardly pronounced the last word, when a general " We thank you, for you have taken away a mountain from our shoulders," fell from almost every lip. " It is a fact that, notwithstanding the good' opinion we had of you," said several, " we were in fear that you Jiad missed the right track, and fallen down with your fair penitents, into the ditch." I felt much relieved; for I was one of those who,. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSION AX. 155- in spite ot myself, had my secret fears about the honesty of our host. When, very early the next morning, I had begun to hear the confessions, one of those unfortunate victims of the confessor's de- pravity came to me, and in the midst of many tears and sobs, she told me, with great details, what I repeat here in a few lines: — " I was only nine years old when my first con- fessor began to do very criminal things with me, every time I was at his feet confessing my sins. At first, I was ashamed and much disgusted; but soon after, I became so depraved that I was look- ing eagerly for every opportunity of meeting him, either in his own house, or in the church, in the vestry, and many times, in his own garden, when it was dark at night. That priest did not remain very long; he was removed, to my great regret, to another place, where he died. He was succeeded by another one, who seemed at first to be a very holy man. I made to him a general confession with, it seemed to me, a sincere desire to give up forever, that sinful life; but I fear that my confes- sions became a cause of sin to that good priest; for, not long after my confession was finished, ho declared to me, in the confessional, his love, with such passionate words, that he soon brought me down again into my former criminal habits with 156 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. him. This lasted six years, when my parents re- moved to this place. I was very glad for it, for I hoped that, being away from him, I should not be any more a cause of sin to him, and that I might beofin a better life. But the fourth time that I went to confess to my new confessor, he invited me to go to his room, where we did things so disgusting together, that I do not know how to confess them. It was two days before my marriage, and the only child I have had is the fruit of that sinful hour. After my marriage, I continued the same criminal life with my confessor. He was the friend of my husband; we had many opportunities of meeting each other, not only when I was going to confess, but when my husband was absent and my child was at school. It was evident \o me that several other women were as miserable and criminal as I was myself. This sinful intercourse with my con- fessor went on, till God Almighty stopped it with a real thunderbolt. My dear only daughter had gone to confess, and received the holy communion. As she came back from church much later than I expected, I inquired the reason which had kept her so long. She then threw herself into my arms, and, with convulsive cries said, — < Dear mother, do not ask me to go to confess any more Oh! if you could know what my confessor asked me when THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 157 I was at his feet! and if you could know what he has done with me, and he has forced me to do with him, when he had me alone in his parlor!" " My poor child chould not speak any longer; she fainted in my arms. "As soon as she recovered, without losing a minute, I dressed myself, and, full of an inexpres- sible rage, I directed my steps towards the parson- age. But before leaving my house, I had concealed under my shawl a sharp butcher's knife, to stab and kill the villain who had destroyed my dearly beloved child. Fortunately for that priest, God changed my mind before I entered his room: my words to him were few and sharp. '"You are a monster! " I said to him. 'Not satisfied to have destroyed me, you want to destroy my own dear child, which is yours also! Shame upon you! I had come with this knife, to put an end to your infamies; but so short a punishment would be too mild a one for such a monster. I want you to live, that you may bear upon your head the curse of the too unsuspecting and un- guarded friends whom you have so cruelly deceived and betrayed, I want you to live with the con- sciousness that you are known by me and many others, as one of the most infamous monsters who has ever defiled this world. But know that if you 158 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. are not away from this place before the end of this week, I will reveal everything to my husband; and you may be sure that he will not let you live twenty-four hours longer; for he sincerely thinks your daughter is his; he will be the avenger of her honor! I go to denounce you, this very day, to the bishop, that he may take you away from this parish, which you have so shamelessly polluted." " The priest threw himself at my feet, and, with tears, asked my pardon, imploring me not to de- nounce him to the bishop, and promising that he would change his life and besrin to live as a good priest. But I remained inexorable. I went to the bishop, and warned his lordship of the sad conse- quences which would follow, if he kept that curate any longer in this place, as he seemed inclined to do. But before the eight clays had expired, he was put at the head of another parish, not very far away from here." The reader will, perhaps, like to know what has become of this priest. He remained at the head of that most beautiful parish of Beaumont, as curate, where, I know it for a fact, he continued to destroy his penitents, till a few years before he died, with the reputation of a good priest, an amiable man, ,and a holy con- fessor ! THE PRIEST, WOMAN, AND CONFESSIONAL. 159 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: .... And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie : That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess. ii. 7 — 12). CHAPTER VII. SHOULD AURICULAR CONFESSION BE TOLERATED AMONG CIVILIZED NATIONS. LET my readers who understand Latin, peruse the extracts I give from Bishop Kennck, Debreyne, Burchard, Dens, or Liguori, and the most incredulous will iearn for themselves that the world, even in the darkest ages of old paganism, has never seen anything more infamous and de- grading' as auricular confession. To say that auricular confession purifies the soul, is not less ridiculous and silly than to say that the white robe of the virgin, or the lily of the valley, will become whiter by being dipped into a bottle of black ink. Has not the Pope's celibate, by studying his books before he goes to the confessional-box, cor- rupted his own heart, and plunged his mind, memory, and soul into an atmosphere of impurity which would have been intolerable even to the people of Sodom? THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 161 We ask it not only in the name of religion, but of common sense. How can that man, whose heart and memory are just made the reservoir of all the grossest impurities the world has ever known, help others to he chaste and pure? The idolaters of India believe that they will be purified from their sins by drinking the water with which they have just washed the feet of their priests. What monstrous doctrine! The souls of men purified by the water which has washed the feet of a miserable, sinful man ! Is there any religion more monstrous and diabolical than the Brahmin religion ? Yes, there is one more monstrous, deceitful, and contaminating than that. It is the religion which: teaches that the soul of man is purified by a few magical words (called absolution; which come from the lips of a miserable sinner, whose heart and in- telligence have just been filled by the unmention- able impurities of Dens, Liguori, Debreyne, Ken- rick, &c., &c. For if the poor Indian's soul is not purified by the drinking of the holy (?) water which has touched the feet of his priest, at least that soul cannot be contaminated by it. But who does not clearly see that the drinking of the vile questions of the confessor contaminate, defile and damn the soul ? 162 THE PRIEST, WOMAN, AND CONFESSIONAL. Who has not been filled with deep compassion and pity for those poor idolaters of Hindoostan, who believe that they will secure to themselves a happy passage to the next life, if they have the good luck to die when holding in their hands the tail of a cow? But there are people among us who are not less worthy of our supreme compassion and pity; for they hope that they will be purified from their sins and be forever happy, if a few magical words (called absolution) fall upon their souls from the polluted lips of a miserable sinner, sent by the Pope of Rome. The dirty tail of a cow, and the magical words of a confessor, to purify the souls and wash away the sins of the world, are equally inventions of the devil. Both religions come from Satan, for they equally substitute the magical power of vile creatures for the blood of Christ, to save the guilty children of Adam. They both ig- nore that the blood of the Lamb alone cleanseth us from all sin. Yes! auricular confession is a public act of idolatry. It is asking from a man what God alone, through His Son Jesus, can grant: forgiveness of sins. Has the Saviour of the world ever said to sinners, " Go to this or that man for repentance, pardon and peace?" No: but he 'has said to all sinners, " Come unto me." And from that day to THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 163 the end of the world, all the echoes ci heaven and earth will repeat these words of the merciful Saviour to all the lost children of Adam — " Come unto me." When Christ gave to His disciples the power of the keys in these words, u whatsoever ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven ; and whatso- ever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heav- en" (Matt, xviii. 18), He had just explained His mind by saying, " If thy brother shall trespass against thee " (v. 15)." The Son of God Himself, in that solemn hour, protested against the stupen- dous imposture of Rome, by telling us positively that that power of binding and loosing, forgiving and retaining sins, was only in reference to sins committed against each other. ■ Peter had correctly understood his Master's words, when he asked, "How oft shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him?" And in order that His true disciples might not be shaken by the sophisms of Rome, or by the glittering nonsense of that band of silly half-Popish Episcopalians, called Tractarians, Ritualists, or Puseyites, the merciful Saviour gave the admirable parable of the poor servant, which He closed by what He has so often repeated, " So likewise shall my Heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye, from 164: THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. your hearts, forgive not every one his brother their trespasses." (Matt, xviii. 35.) Not long before, He had again mercifully given us His whole mind about the obligation and power which every one of His disciples had of forgiving : " For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you ; but if ye forgive men not their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. " (Matt. vi. 14, 15.) " Be ye therefore merciful as your Father also is merciful ; forgive and ye shall be forgiven." (Luke vi. 36, 37.) Auricular Confession, as the Rev. Dr. Wain- wright has so eloquently put it in his " Confession not Auricular," is a diabolical caricature of the forgiveness of sin through the blood of Christ, just as the impious dogma of Transubstantiation is a monstrous caricature of the salvation of the world through His death. The Romanists, and their ugly tail, the Ritual- istic party in the Episcopal Church, make a great noise about the words of our Saviour, in St. John : " Whatsoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them : and whatsoever sins ye retaiu, they are re- tained." (John xx. 23.) But again, our Saviour had Himself, once for all, explained what He meant by forgiving and retain- THE PKIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 165 ing sins — Matt, xviii. 35 ; Matt. vi. 14, 15 ; Luke vi. 36, 37. Nobody but wilfully-blind men could misunder- stand Him. Besides that, the Holy Ghost Him- self has mercifully taken care that we should not be deceived by the lying traditions of men, on that important subject, when in St. Luke He gave us the explanation of the meaning of John xx. 23, by telling us, " Thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day : and that re- pentance and remission of sins should be preached in Llis name among all nations, beginning at Jeru- salem." (Luke xxiv. 46, 47.) In order that we may better understand the words of our Saviour in St. John xx. 23, let us put thorn face to face with His own explanations (Luke xxiv. 46, 47). LUKE XXIV. JOHN XX. 33. And they rose up the 18. Mary Magdalene came same hour and returned to Je- and told the disciples that she rusalem and found the eleven had seen the Lord, and that gathered together, and them he had spoken these things that were with them. ' unto her. 34. Saying, the Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon 36. And as they thus spake, 19. Then the same day at Jesus himself stood in the evening, being the first day of midst of them, and said unto the week, when the doora them, Peace be unto you. were shut where the disciples 166 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AJSD CONFESSIONAL. 37. But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. 38. And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise m your hearts ? 39. Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have. 40. And when he had thus spoken, he showed them his hands and his feet 41. And while they yet be- lieved not for joy, and won- dered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat ? 42. And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. 43. And he took it, and did eat before them. 44. And he said unto them, 'these are the words which I spoke unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms concerning me. 45. Then opened he their understancling,that they might understand the Scriptures, 46. And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day. were assembled, for fear or the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith untd them, Peace be unto you. 20. And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. 21. Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. 22. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive- ye the Holy Ghost : THE PEIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 167 41. And that repentance and 23. Whose soever sins ye remission of sins should be remit, they are remitted unto preached in his name among them ; whose soever sins ye all nations, beginning at Jeru- retain, they are retained, salem. Three tilings are evident from comparing the report of St. John and St. Luke : — 1. The j speak of the same event, though one of them gives certain details omitted by the other, as we find in the rest of the gospels. 2. The words of St. John, "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them ; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained," are ex- plained by the Holy Ghost Himself, in St. Luke, as meaning that the apostles shall preach repent- ance and forgiveness of sins through Christ. It is just what our Saviour has Himself said in St. Matthew ix. 13 : " But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice : fur I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." It is just the same doctrine taught by Peter (Acts ii. 38): "Then Peter said ento them, Re- pent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Just the same doctrine of the forgiveness of sins, not through auricular confession or absolution, but 168 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. through the preaching of the Word : "Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins " (Acts xiii. 38). 3. The third thing which is evident is that the apostles were not alone when Christ appeared and spoke, but that several of His other disciples, even some women, were there. If the Romanists, then, could prove that Christ established auricular confession, and gave the power of absolution, by what He said in that solemn hour, women as well as men — in fact, every believer in Christ— would be authorized to hear confessions and give absolution. The Holy Ghost was not promised or given only to the Apostles, but to every believer, as we see in Acts i. 15, and ii. 1, 2, 3. But the Gospel of Christ, as well as the history of the first ten centuries of Christianity, is the wit- ness that auricular confession and absolution are nothing else but a sacrilegious as well as a most stupendous imposture. What tremendous efforts the priests of Rome have made, these last five centuries, and are still making, to persuade their dupes that the Son of God was making of them a privileged caste, a caste endowed with the Divine and exclusive power of THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 169 opening and shutting the gates of Heaven, when He said, "Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven ; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven." But our adorable Saviour, who perfectly foresaw those diabolical efforts on the part of the priests of Rome, entirely upset every vestige of their founda- tion by saying immediately, " Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them " (Matt, xviii. 19, 20.) Would the priests of Rome attempt to make us believe that these words of the 19th and 20th verses are addressed to them exclusively? They have not yet dared to say it. They confess that these words are addressed to all His disciples. But our Saviour positively says that the other words, implicating (he so-called power of the priests to .hear the con- fession and give the absolution, are addressed to the very same persons — " I say unto you," &c, &c. The you of the 19th and 20th verses is the same yi9?/, of the 18th. The power of loosing and un- loosing is, then, given to all — those who would be offended and would forgive. Then, our Saviour 170 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. had not in His mind to form a caste of men with any marvellous power over the rest of His disci- ples. The priests of Rome, then, are impostors, and nothing else, when they say that the power of loosing and unloosing sins was exclusively granted to them. Instead of going to the confessor, let the Chris- tian go to his merciful God, through Christ, and say, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us." This is the Truth, not as it comes from the Vatican, but as it comes from Calvary, where our debts were paid, with the only condition that we should believe, repent and love. Have not the Popes publicly and repeatedly anathematized the sacred principle of Liberty of Conscience? Have they not boldly said, in the teeth of the nations of Europe, that Liberty of Conscience must be destroyed — killed at any cost? Has not the whole world heard the sentence of death to liberty coming from the lips of the old man of the Vatican ? But where is the scaffold on which the doomed Liberty must perish ? That scaffold is the confessional-box. Yes, in the con- fessional, the Pope has his 100,000 high execu- tioners ! There they are, day and night, with sharp daggers in hand, stabbing Liberty to the heart. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 171 In vain will noble France expel her old tyrants in order to be free ; in vain will she shed the pur- est blood of her heart to protect and save liberty ! True liberty cannot live a day there so long as the* executioners of the Pope are free to stab her on their 100,000 scaffolds. In vain chivalrous Spain will call Liberty to give a new life to her people. Liberty cannot set her feet there, except to die, so long as the Pope is allowed to strike her in his 50,000 confessionals. And free America, too, will see all her so dearly- bought liberties destroyed, the day that the con- fessional-box is universally reared in her midst. Auricular Confession and Liberty cannot stand together on the same ground ; either one or the other must fall. Liberty must sweep away the confessional, as she has swept away the demon of slavery, or she is doomed to perish. Can a man be free in his own house, so long as there is another who has the legal right to spy all his actions, and direct not only every step, but every thought of his wife and children? Can that man boast of a home whose wife and children are under the control of another ? Is not that unfor- tunate man really the slave of the ruler and mas- ter of his household ? And when a whole nation 172 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. is composed of such husbands and fathers, is it not a nation of abject, degraded slaves ? To a thinking man, one of the most strange phenomena is that our modern nations allow their most sacred rights to be trampled under foot, and destroyed by the Papacy, the sworn enemy of Lib- erty, through a mistaken respect and love for that same Liberty ! No people have more respect for Liberty of Con- science than the Americans ; but has the noble State of Illinois allowed Joe Smith and Brigham Young to degrade and enslave the American wom- en under the pretext of Liberty of Conscience, appealed to by the so-called " Latter-day Saints ? " No ! The ground was soon made too hot for the tender conscience of the modern prophets. Joe Smith perished when attempting to keep his cap- tive wives in his chains, and Brigham Young had to fly to the solitudes of the Far West, to enjoy what he called his liberty of conscience with the thirty women whom he had degraded, and en- chained under his yoke. But even in that remote solitude the false prophet has heard the distant peals of the roaring thunder. The threatened voice of the great Republic has troubled his rest, and before his death he wisely spoke of going as much as possible out of the reach of Christian civilisation, THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 173 before the dark and threatening clouds which he saw on the horizon would hurl upon him their ir- resistible storms. Will any one blame the American people for so going to the rescue of women? No, surely not.. But what is this confessional box ? Nothing but a citadel and stronghold of Mormonism. What is this Father Confessor, with few excep- tions, but a lucky Brigham Young ? I do not want to be believed on my ipse dixit. What I ask from serious thinkers is, that they should read the encyclicals of the Piuses, the Gregorys, the Benoits, and many other Popes, "De Sollicitantibus." There they will see, with their own eyes, that, as a general thing, the con- fessor has more women to serve him than the Mor- mon prophets ever had. Let him read the memoirs of one of the most venerable men of the Church of Rome, Bishop Scipio de Picci, and they will see, with their own eyes, that the confessors are more free with their penitents, even nuns, than husbands are with their wives. Let them hear the testimony of one of the noblest princesses of Italy, Henrietta Carracciolo, who still lives, and they will know that the Mormons have more respect for women than the greater part of the confessors have. Let them read the personal experience of Miss O'Gor- 174 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. man, five years a nun in the United States, and they will understand that the priests and their fe> male penitents, even nuns, are outraging all the laws of God and man, through the dark mysteries of auricular confession. That Miss O'Gorman, as well as Miss Henrietta Carracciolo, are still living. Why are they not consulted by those who like to know the truth, and who fear that we exaggerate the ^infamies which come from u auricular confes- sion" as from their infallible source? Let them hear the lamentations of Cardinal Baronius, St. Bernard, Savanarola, Pius, Gregory, St. Therese, St. Liguori, on the unspeakable and irreparable ruin spread all along the ways and all over the countries haunted by the Pope's confessors, and they will know that the confessional-box is the daily witness of abominations which would hardly have been tolerated in the lands of Sodom and Gomorrah. Let the legislators, the fathers and husbands of every nation and tongue, interrogate Father Gav- azzi, Grassi, and thousands of living priests who, like myself, have miraculously been taken out from that Egyptian servitude to the promised land, and they will tell you the same old, old story — that the confessional-box is for the greatest part of the con- fessors and female penitents, a real' pit of perdition, into which they promiscuously fall and perish THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 175 Yes ; they will tell you that the soul and heart of your wife and daughter are purified by the magical words of the confessional, just as the souls of the poor idolaters of Hindoostan are purified by the tail of the cow which they hold in their hands, when they die. Study the pages of the past history of England, France, Italy, Spain, &c, &c, and you will see that the gravest and most reliable histor- ians have, everywhere, found mysteries of iniquity in the confessional-box which their pen refused to trace. In the presence of such public, undeniable, and lamentable facts, have not the civilised nations a duty to perform ? Is it not time that the children of light, the true disciples of the Gospel, all over the world, should rally round the banners of Christ, and go, shoulder to shoulder, to the rescue of women? Woman is to society what the roots are to the most precious trees of your orchard. If you knew that a thousand worms are biting the roots of those noble trees, that their leaves are already fading away, their rich fruits, though yet unripe, are fall- ing on the ground, would you not unearth the roots and sweep away the worms ? The confessor is the worm which is biting, pol- luting, and destroying the very roots of civil and religious society, by contaminating, debasing, and enslaving woman. 176 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. Before the nations can see the reign of peacev happiness, and liberty, which Christ has promised, they must, like the Israelites, pull down the walls of Jericho. The confessional is the modern Jer- icho, which defiantly dares the children of God ! Let, then, the people of the Lord, the true soldiers of Christ, rise up and rally around His banners ; and let them fearlessly march, shoulder to shoulder, on the doomed city : let all the trum- pets of Israel be sounded around its walls : let fervent prayers go to the throne of Mercy, from the heart of every one for whom the Lamb has been slain : let such a unanimous cry of indignation be heard, through the length and breadth of the land, against that greatest and most jnonstrous imposture of modern times, that the earth will tremble under the feet of the confessor, so that his very knees will shake, and soon the walls of Jericho will fall, the confessional will disappear, and its unspeakable pollutions will no more imperil the very existence of society. Then the multitudes who were kept captive will come to the Lamb, who will make them pure with His blood and free with His word. Then the redeemed nations will sing a song of joy : " Babylon, the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, is fallen ! is fallen!"1 CHAPTER VIII, DOES AURICULAR CONFESSION BRING PEACE TO THE SOUL? THE connecting of Peace with Auricular Con fession is surely the most cruel sarcasm ever uttered in human language. It would be less ridiculous and false to admire- the calmness of the sea, and the stillness of the atmosphere, when a furious storm raises the foan>- ing waves to the sky, than to speak of the Peace of the soul either during or after the confession. I know it ; the confessors and their dupes chorus, every tune by crying "Peace, peace!" But the* God of truth and holiness answers, "There is do peace for the wicked ! " The fact is, that no human words can adequately express the anxieties of the soul before confession^ its unspeakable confusion in the act of confessing or its deadly terrors after confession. Let those who have never drunk of the bitter waters which flow from the confessional box, read 178 THE PRIESTj WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. the following plan and correct recital of my own first experience in auricular confession. They are nothing less than the history of what nine-tenths of the penitents* of Rome, old and young, are sub- ject to; and they will know what to think of that marvelous Peace about which Romanists, and their silly copyists, the Ritualists, have written so many eloquent lies. In the year 1819, my parents had sent me from Murray Bay {La Mai Bate), where they lived, to an excellent school at St. Thomas. I was then about nine years old. I boarded with an uncle, who, though a nominal Roman Catholic, did not believe a word of what his priest preached. But my aunt had the reputation of being a very devot- ed woman. Our schoolmaster, Mr. John Jones, was a well-educated Englishman, and a staunch PROTESTANT. This last circumstance had ex- cited the wrath of the Roman Catholic priest against the teacher and his numerous pupils to such an extent, that they were often denounced from the pulpit with very hard words. But if he did not like us, I must admit that we were paying him with his own coin. But let us come to my first lessen in Auricular *By the word $e?iitents, Rome means not thoss who re$enty but those who confess to the priest. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 179 Confession. No ! No words can express to those who have never had any experience in the matter, the consternation, anxiety and shame of a poor Bomish child, when he hears his priest saying from the pulpit, in a grave and solemn tone: "This week you will send your children to confession. Make them understand that this action is one of the most important of their lives, that for every one of them it will decide their eternal happiness or ruin. Fathers, mothers and guardians of those children, if, through your fault or theirs, your chil- dren are guilty of a false confession : if they do not confess everything to the priest who holds the place of God Himself, this sin is often irreparable: the devil will take possession of their hearts, they will lie to their father confessor, or rather to Jesus Christ, of whom he is the representative : their lives will be a series of sacrileges, their death and eternity those of reprobates. Teach them, there- fore, to examine thoroughly all their actions, words, thoughts and desires, in order to confess every- thing just as it occurred, without any disguise." I was in the Church of St. Thomas, when these words fell upon me like a thunderbolt. I had often heard my mother say, when at home, and my aunt, since I had come to St. Thomas, that upon the first confession depended my eternal happiness or mis- 180 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. ery. That week was, therefore, to decide the vital question of my eternity ! Pale and dismayed, I left the Church after the service, and returned to the house of my relations. I took my place at the table, but could not eat, so much was I troubled. I went to my room for the purpose of commencing my examination of con- science, and to try to recall every one of my sinful actions, thoughts and words ! Although scarcely over nine years of age, this task was really overwhelming to me. I knelt down to pray to the Virgin Mary for help, but I was so much taken up with the fear of forgetting something or making a bad confession, that I mut- tered my prayers without the least attention to what I said. It became still worse, when I com' menced counting my sins ; my memory, though very good, became confused ; my head grew dizzy ; my heart beat with a rapidity which exhausted me, my brow was covered with perspiration. After a considerable length of time spent in these painful efforts, I felt bordering on despair from the fear that it was impossible for me to remember exactly everything, and to confess each sin as it occurred. The night following was almost a sleepless one ; and when sleep did come, it could hardly be called sleep, but a suffocating delirium. In a frightful THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 181 dream, I felt as if I had been cast into hell, for not having confessed all my sins to the priest. In the morning I awoke fatigued and prostrate by the phantoms and emotions of that terrible night. In similar troubles of mind were passed the three days which preceded my first confession. I had constantly before me the countenance of that stern priest who had never smiled on me. He was present to my thoughts during the days, and in my dreams during the nights, as the minister of an angry God, justly irritated against me on account of my sins. Forgiveness had indeed been prom- ised to me, on condition of a good confession ; but my place had also been shown to me in hell, if my confession was not as near perfection as possible. Now, my troubled conscience told me that there were ninety chances against one that my confession would be bad, either if by my own fault, I forgot some sins, or if I was without that contrition of which I had heard so much, but the nature and effects of which were a perfect chaos in my mind. At length came the day of my confession, or father of judgment and condemnation. I presented myself to the priest, the Rev. Mr. Beaubien. He had, then, the defects of lisping or stammer- ing, which we often turned into ridicule. And, as nature had unfortunately endowed me with admir- 182 THE PEIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. able powers as a mimic, the infirmities of this poor priest afforded only too good an opportunity for the exercise of my talent. Not only was it one of my favorite amusements to imitate him before the pupils amidst roars of laughter, but also, I preached portions of his sermons before his parishioners with similar results. Indeed, many of them came from considerable distances to enjoy the opportunity of listening to me, and they, more than once, rewarded me with cakes of maple sugar, for my perform- ances. These acts of mimicry were, of course, among my sins ; and it became necessary for me to ex- amine myself upon the number of times I had mocked the priests. This circumstance was not calculated to make my confession easier or more agreeable. At last, the dread moment arrived, I knelt for the first time at the side of my confessor, but my whole frame trembled : I repeated the prayer pre- paratory to confession, scarcely knowing what I said, so much was I troubled by fears. By the instructions which had been given us before confession, we had been made to believe that the priest was the true representative, yea, almost the personification of Jesus Christ. The consequence was that I believed rny greatest sin. THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 183 was that of mocking the priest — and I, as I had been told that it was proper first to confess the greatest sins, I commenced thus: "Father, I ac- cuse myself of having mocked a priest !" Hardly had I uttered these words, " mocked a priest,*" when this pretended representative of the humble Jesus, turning towards me, and looking in my face, in order to know me better, asked abrubt- ly : " What priest did you mock, my boy ?" I would have rather chosen to cut out my tongue than to tell him, to his face, who it was. I, there- fore, kept silent for a while ; but my silence made him very nervous, and almost angry. With a haughty tone of voice, he said : " What priest did you take the liberty of thus mocking, my boy ? " I saw that I had to answer. Happily, his haught- iness had made me bolder and firmer ; I said r "Sir, you are the priest whom I mocked ! " "But how many times did you take upon your- self to mock me, my boy ? ' ' asked he, angrily. u I tried to find out the number of times, but I never could."- "You must tell me how many times; for to mock one's own priest, is a great sin." " It is impossible for me to give you the number of times," I answered. "Well, my child, I will help your memory by 184 THE PKIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. asking you questions. Tell me the truth. Do yov think you mocked me ten times? " " A great many times more," I answered. ■" Have you mocked me fifty times ? " " Oh ! many more still ! ' ' 11 A hundred times? " *" Say five hundred, and perhaps more," I an- swered. u Well, my boy, do you spend all your time in mocking me ? " u Not all my time ; but, unfortunately, I have •done it very often." u Yes, you may well say ' unfortunately ! ' for to mock your priest, who holds the place of our Lord Jesus Christ, is a great sin and a great mis- fortune for you. But tell me, my little boy, what reason have you for mocking me thus ? " In my examination of conscience, I had not fore- seen that I should be obliged to give the reasons for mocking the priest, and I was thunderstruck "by his questions. I dared not answer, and I re- mained for a long time dumb, from the shame that overpowered me. But, with a harrassing persever- ance, the priest insisted upon my telling why I had mocked him ; assuring me that I would be damned If I did not speak the whole truth. So I decided to speak, and said : " I mocked you for several things. " THE PKlEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 185 " What made you first mock me?" asked the priest. " I laughed at you because you lisp: among the pupils of the school, and other people, it often hap- pens that we imitate your preaching to laugh at yrou," I answered. ' ' For what other reason did you laugh at me, my little boy?" For a long time I was silent. Every time I opened my mouth to speak, my courage failed me. But the priest continued to urge me ; I said at last : 4 ' It is rumored in town that you love the girls : that you visit the Misses Richards almost every night; and this made us laugh often." The poor priest was evidently overwhelmed by my answer, and ceased questioning me on that sub- ject. Changing the conversation, he said: "What are your other sins?" I began to confess them according to the order in which they came to my memory. But the feel- ing of shame which overpowered me, in repeating all my sins to that man, was a thousand times greater than that of having offended God. In reality, this feeling of human shame, which ab- sorbed my thoughts, nay, my whole being, left no room for any religious feeling at all, and I am certain that this is the case with more than the 186 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND OONEE&SIONA^ greater part of those who confess their sins to ft^ priest. When I had confessed all the sins I could re- member, the priest began to put to me the strang- est questions about matters upon which my pen must be silent .1 replied, " Father, I do not understand what you ask me." " I question you," he answered, " on the sins of the sixth commandment of God (seventh in the Bible). Do confess all, my little boy, for you will go to hell, if, through your fault, you omit any- thing." And thereupon he dragged my thoughts into- regions of iniquity which, thanks be to God, had hitherto been quite unknown to me. I answered him again, "I do not understand you," or " I have never done those wicked things." Then, skilfully shifting to some secondary mat- ters, he would soon slyly and cunningly come back to his favorite subject, namely, sins of licentiousness. His questions were so unclean that I blushed, and felt nauseated with disgust and shame. More than once, I had been, to my great regret, in the company of bad boys, but not one of them had offended my moral nature so much as this priest had done. Not one of them had ever approached the shadow of the things from which that man tore THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 187 the veil, and which he placed before the eyes of my soul. In vain I told him that I was not guilty of those things; that I did not even understand what he asked me; but he would not let me off. Like a vulture bent upon tearing the poor de- fenceless bird that falls into its claws, that cruel priest seemed determined to ruin and defile my heart. At last he asked me a question in a form of ex- pression so bad, that I was really pained and put beside myself. I felt as if I had received the shock from an electric battery: a feeling of horror made me shudder. I was filled with such indignation that, speaking loud enough to be heard by many, I told him: " Sir, I am very wicked, but I was never guilty of what you mention to me: please don't ask me any more of those qustions, which will teach me more wickedness than I ever knew." The remainder of my confession was short. . The stern rebuke I had given him had evidently made the priest blush, if it had not frightened him. He stopped short, and gave me some very good advice, which might have done me good, if the deep wounds which his questions had inflicted upon my soul, had not so absorbed my thoughts as to pre- vent me giving attention to what he said. He- gave me a short penance and dismissed me. 188 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. I left the confessional irritated and confused. From the shame of what I had just heard, I dared not raise my eyes from the ground. I went into a corner of the church to do my penance, that is to recite the prayers which he had indicated to me. I remained for a long time in the church. I had need of calm, after the terrible trial through which I had just passed. But vainly I sought for rest. The shameful questions which had just been asked me; the new world of iniquity into which I had been introduced; the impure phantoms by which my childish head had been defiled, confused and troubled my mind so much, that I began to weep bitterly. I left the church only when forced to do so by the shades of night, and came back to my uncle's house with a feeling of shame and uneasiness, as if I had done a bad action and feared lest I should be detected. My trouble was much increased when my uncle jestingly said: " Now that you have been to confess, you will be a good boy. But if you are not a better boy, you will be a more learned one, if your confessor has taught you what mine did when I confessed for the first time." I blushed and remained silent. My aunt said: "You must feel happy, now thai, you have made your confession: do you not?" THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 18$ I gave an evasive answer, but could not entirely conceal the confusion which overwhelmed me. I went to bed early; but I could hardly sleep. I thought I was the only boy whom the priest had asked these polluting questions; but great was my confusion, when, on going to school the next day, I learned that my companions had not been happier than I had been, The only difference was that, instead of being grieved as I was, they laughed at it. "Did the priest ask you this and that," they would demand, laughing boisterously; I refused to reply, and said: " Are you not ashamed to speak of these things? " "Ah! ah! how scrupulous you are," continued they, " if it is not a sin for the priest to speak to us on these matters, how can it be a sin for us to laugh at it." I felt confounded, not knowing what to answer. But my confusion increased not a lit- tle when, soon after, I perceived that the young girls of the school had not been less polluted or scandalized than the boys. Although keeping at a sufficient distance from us to prevent us from un- derstanding everything they had to say on their confessional experience, those girls were sufficient- ly near to let us hear many things which it would have been better for us not to know. Some of 190 THE PRIEST, TV MAN AND CONFESSIONAL. them seemed thoughtful, sad, and shameful; but some of them laughed heartily at what they had leared in the confessional-box. I was very indignant against the priest; and thought in myself that he was a very wicked man for having put to us such repelling questions. But I was wrong. That priest was honest; he was only doing his duty, as I have known since, when studying the theologians of Rome. The Rev. Mr. Beaubien was a real gentleman; and if he had been free to follow the dictates of his honest con- science, it is my strong conviction, he would never have sullied our young hearts with such impure ideas. But what has the honest conscience of a priest to do in the confessional, except to be silent and dumb; the priest of Rome is an automaton, tied to the feet of the Pope by an iron chain. He can move, go right or left, up or down; he can think and act, but only at the bidding of the in- fallible god of Rome. The priest knows the will of his modern divinity only through his approved emissaries, ambassadors, and theologians. With shame on my brow, and bitter tears of regret flow- ing just now, on my cheeks, I confess that I have had myself to learn by heart those damning ques- tions, and put them to the young and the old, who like me, were fed with the diabolical doctrines of THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSION 4L. 191 the Church of Rome, in reference to auricular con- fession. Some time after, some people waylaid and whipped that very same priest, when, during a very dark night he was coming back from visiting his fair young penitents, the Misses Richards. And the next day, the conspirators having met at the house of Dr. Stephen Tache, to give a report of what they had done to the half secret society to which they belonged, I was invited by my young friend Louis Cazault* to conceal myself with him, in an adjoining room, where we could hear every- thing without being seen. I find in the old manu- scripts of "my young years' recollections" the following address of Mr. Dubord, one of the prin- cipal merchants of St. Thomas: " Mr. President, — I was not among those who gave to the priest the expression of the public feel- ings with the eloquent voice of the whip; but I wish I had been; I would heartily have co-operated to give that so well-deserved lesson to the father confessors of Canada; and let me give you my rea- sons for that. "My child, who is hardly twelve years old, went to confess, as did the other girls of the village, *He died many years after when at the head of the Laval University. 192 THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. some time ago. It was against my will. I know by my own experience, that of all actions, confes- sion is the most degrading of a person's life. I can imagine nothing so well calculated to destroy forever one's self-respect, as the modern invention of the confessional. Now, what is a person with- out self-respect? Especially a woman? Is not all forever lost without this? " In the confessional, everything is corruption of the lowest sfrade. There the srirls' thoughts, lips, hearts and souls are forever polluted. Do I need to prove you this! No! for though you have long since given up auricular confession, as below the dignity of man, you have not forgotten the lessons of corruption which you have received from it. Those lessons have remained on your souls as the scars left by the red-hot iron upon the brow of the slave, to be a perpetual witness of his slavery, to be a perpetual witness of his shame and servitude. "The confessional-box is the place where our wives and daughters learn things which would make the most degraded women of our cities blush! "Why are all Koman Catholic nations inferior to nations belonging to Protestantism? Only in the confessional can the solution i>f that problem be found. And why are Koman Catholic nation* THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 193 degraded in proportion to their submission to their priests? It is because the more often the indiv- iduals composing those nations go to confess, the more rapidly they sink in the sphere of intelli- gence and morality. A terrible example of the auricular confession depravity has just occurred in my own family. * "As I have said a moment ago, I was against my own daughter going to confession, but her poor mother, wio is under the control of the priest, earnestly wanted her to go. Not to have a disa- greeable scene in my house, I had to yield to the tears of my wife. "On the following day of the confession, they believed I was atfsent, but I was in my office, with the door sufficiently opened to hear everything which could be said by my wife and the child. And the following conversation took place : " 'What makes you so thoughtful and sad, my dear Lucy, since you went to confess ? It seems to me you should feel happier since you had the priv- ilege of confessing your sins.' " My child answered not a word; she remained absolutely silent. "After two or three minutes of silence, I heard the mother saying : ' Why do you weep, my dear Lucy ? are you sick ? ' 1&-1 -*tfE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. *' JSut no answer yet from the child!" * ' You may well suppose that I was all attention : I had my secret suspicions about the dreadful mys- tery which had taken place. My heart throbbed with uneasiness and anger. " After a short silence, my wife spoke again to her child, but with sufficient firmness to decide her to answer at last. In a trembling voice, she said : "'Oh! dear mamma, if you knew what the priest has asked me, and what he said to me when I confessed, you would perhaps be as sad as I am.' u ' But what can he have said to you ? He is a holy man, you must have misunderstood him, if you think that he has said anything wrong.' " My child threw herself in her mother's arms, and answered with a voice, half suffocated with her sobs : ' Do not ask me to tell you what the priest has said — it is so shameful that I cannot repeat it — his words have stuck to my heart as the leech put to the arm of my little friend, the other day. ' '•' 'What does the priest think of me, for having put me such questions ? ' "My wife answered: 'I will go to the priest and will teach him a lesson. I have noticed my- self that he goes too far when questioning old peo- ple, but I had the hope he was more prudent with children. I ask of you, however, never to speak THE PRIEST, WOMAN AND CONFESSIONAL. 195